Baschurch Tennis Club – Summer Camps

Shrewsbury School – ‘Symphonic Sundays’ – for budding musicians

Shrewsbury School are inviting young budding musicians to sign up for their successful ‘Symphonic Sundays’ programme for 2021-2.  It is free to join and is aimed at students of all ages – the majority typically being 7-13 years of age in the past.  

The main aim of the programme is to bring musicians together – for some it will be an exciting first opportunity to play in a full orchestra.  They are looking to develop enthusiasm and a love for orchestral playing, which they hope will be inspiring to a generation of local young musicians.  

For more information and to sign up – visit 


Public Health Notice – URGENT Walk-in Vaccination – Shrewsbury

The NHS are going to be running walk-in vaccination clinics at the Shrewsbury Bowls Centre, Sundorne Road, Shrewsbury SY1 4RQ from Sunday this week.

For people aged 40 and over (Astra Zeneca 1st and 2nd doses)
Sunday 20 – Tuesday 22nd June inclusive 8.30am – 1pm
Sunday 27th June 8.30am – 1pm

For 18-39 year olds (Pfizer 1st dose)
Wednesday 23rd June 8.30am – 1pm
Sunday 4th July – 8.30am – 7pm

As these are walk in clinics, there is no need to make an appointment.

Work Top

If anyone is in need of a length of work surface, we have one in school that is no longer being used and would prefer to rehome it than it be disposed of.

If you are interested and would like more details please give Mrs Smith a ring on 01939 290834

School Photo Orders – Last day to Order

Please can all orders and payments for school photographs be brought into school by the end of the school day on:


Any questions please do not hesitate to call school on 01939 290834

Celebration Assembly – 9th July

Star of the Week :
Jaguar – Lilly
Rhino – Amelia W
Tiger – Grace S
Panda – Steven

Mathematician of the Week: Holly T, Nerissa, Odin & Harry-Jai

Reader of the Week: Zoe, Evan, Olivia C, Olivia P-N

Writer of the Week: Cass, Izzy R, Sienna & Ivy

Hand writers of the Week: Sophie Ca, Lucy & Freddie

Well Done Everyone and Have a great weekend!

Bikeability Sessions

Please can Yr 6 pupils who are taking part in the bikeability sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday this week, bring a spare change of clothes and a waterproof coat. If you  have waterproof trousers please send these in as well.

Tennis Sessions – Tuesday 25th May

We are going to “attempt” the tennis sessions again tomorrow as the weather looks slightly better.

Please can you send your child to school in their PE kits and a warm coat.