Do you need new school shoes or trainers for September?

Shoes and trainers for children from ‘Little bags of kindness’

With the help of lots of schools we have collected, cleaned, polished and sanitised good quality second hand school shoes and trainers that children have grown out of during lockdown. These are now available for any families that may struggle with the cost of new shoes and trainers. We have hand sorted them ourselves and we are not passing anything on that we wouldn’t let our own children wear. Sizes are from toddler to adult. 

We want to offer these to as many of the children that you support as possible. We can do a box full with a selection of sizes and styles or we can put a specific order together of sizes and styles (eg. Family1: Girl, size 4, school shoe, boy size 13 trainer). There is no need to prove that the shoes are needed we just want them to go to new homes and to help and support any families that may need it and avoid shoes going to landfill.

As a school, we can ask for as many as we feel we could re-home and they will do their best to fulfil this until the shoes have gone. 

Please email if you would like some, stating: Family name: Girl, size 4, school shoe; boy size 13 trainer or suchlike by the end of this week so that we can order them before we break up.

PTA – Uniform Sale Thursday 15th July

Mrs Downes and Mrs Piper have kindly agreed to hold a sale of pre-loved Myddle School Uniform. It is planned for afterschool on Thursday, 15th July but it will obviously depend on the weather.

Lost Property will also be made available for parents to search through for any missing items, although the majority of lost property has no names marked on them.

Please can we ask that parents remember to social distance and use the hand sanitiser that will be available.

Mrs Smith


Sports Day 2021

What a day!! The children have been amazing, they have all given each activity a go and tried their very best! We are so proud of each and everyone of them.

The year group winners pictures are attached along with the overall house winners.

More pictures will follow, we got a bit carried away and took loads of photo’s, these will take slightly longer to appear on the website!

Well Done Everyone and “It’s Coming Home”

Mrs Smith


Yr 6 Pupils ONLY

On Thursday, 15th July, Mrs Russell will be making our leavers feel super special. They will have their own lunch table for their Big Breakfast dinner, she will be providing squash and she will be adding her special touch to their pudding!!

Also don’t forget to return your child’s menu choice and money for Friday’s Fish and Chips. We need their choices by Wednesday, 14th July.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Carrier Bags

Please can all children bring a carrier bag to school next week as we will be sending home their exercise books and other work they have completed in school for parents to treasure!



School Reports

Please check your child’s school bags tonight as their school reports are coming home!!!

Mrs Smith