Change to Lunch Menu – Wednesday 1st December

It will be Chicken on Wednesday 1st December, not Beef as advertised.

Apologises for this change

Panathlon 2021 – Ten Pin Bowling

The children had a great time yesterday representing Myddle at the North Shropshire Games Panathlon.

Well Done Team 🙂

Raffle Tickets & Payments

Please can your return your raffle slips and money to school by the end of Friday 26th November.

Parking Outside School

Please can parents be mindful when parking outside school in the layby.

We have received complaints about cars sticking out into the road specifically by the phone box. Please use the Red Lion Car Park or the Village hall car park if there are no spaces outside school.

Change to Lunch Menu – Wednesday 24th Nov

It will be Beef on Wednesday 24th, not Turkey as advertised.

Apologises for this change


We are in need of some old newspapers for our Art sessions. If you have any available please send them in to school.

Please bear in mind which ones you send in, the children have been known to have a read whilst being creative!!

Christmas Card Order Forms

Please can all order forms and payments for the Christmas Cards be sent to the school office by Wednesday 24th November.

Any questions please do not hesitate to speak to Mrs Smith

Navy Blue Lost Coat

Please can all parents check which coat their child has come home with tonight. We have a Navy blue coat (Age 9) go missing and would like to return it to its owner.

Any questions please do not hesitate to give Mrs Smith a ring on 01939 290834


Children In Need 2021

A massive “Thank You” to everyone for supporting Children in Need this year.

The final total of money raised is an enormous £316.90 which is fantastic!!

Special Thanks to Sam, Cass, Alex, Lily & Arianna for all of their hard work!