Play Script Perfection

This week in class, we looked at the importance of stage directions in a play script. The children added their own stage directions (for both how to speak and how to act) and tried them out with their partners once they had finished. All children worked hard and were really able to bring the basic play script they were given to life.

Welcome to the brand new class page for Rhino Class

Our new class web page looks great as I’m sure you’ll agree.

Hopefully you will find navigating the page really easy. You find any class news here in this section and be able to access homework and spelling information using the tabs below. You can now also scroll down and click on the class apps to access some really useful websites to support learning at home.

Rhino Homework

Last term we studied a Geography unit about Shrewsbury. For homework, I would like the children to produce a poster all about Shrewsbury showcasing all they learnt during the unit.

They should be able to produce information on:

  • Land use
  • Population
  • History
  • Buildings of interest
  • Famous people

The children are more than welcome to do further research if they wish.

It would be great to have this homework handed in before the end of the half term – Friday 27th May.

Many thanks

Mr Glover

Marvellous Magnets

This week, Rhino class conducted a fair test to find the strongest type of magnet.

The children planned an investigation which involved seeing how many paper clips each magnet could hold. Before testing each of the different types of magnet, the children predicted which they thought would be the strongest.

After the they had finished, they had some quite surprising results which led to a great discussion in class.

A Perfect Performance

On Monday, pupils from Myddle and Baschurch attended Young Voices.

We set out at midday and arrived in good time ready for the rehearsals before the main event at 7pm.

With performances from likes of The Shires, Ruti (2018 winner of the Voice) and the legendary Tony Hadley, We knew we were in for a real treat. The children were in fine voice too and sang and danced their hearts out. It was an amazing experience. To hear over 6000 children singing together as one is something quite special.

Well done everyone.

Year 3 & 4 Gymnastics Competition

Today, 5 girls from Rhino class took part in a gymnastics competition at Baschurch. As part of the team, each had to perform a floor routine and two vaults.

The girls performed brilliantly, as individuals and as a team, and out of the five school competing, they finished in first place.

This was a fantastic achievement and we are extremely proud of the girls.

Well done to: Ariana, Lilly, Maisie, Amelia and Isabella.

Worship Council

Today, the Worship Council delivered their first assembly to the rest of the school.

In line with the value of this half term, truth, the children shared experiences from their training day, demonstrated some of the practical activities they took part in and shared the newly created Federation Prayer.

The assembly was a real success and we were all really proud of the pupils and how hard they have worked together. It isn’t easy to stand in front of the whole school, but all members of the worship council spoke with confidence. Well done.

Rhino homework 17.1.20

Homework this week is prepositional phrases.

Please ensure homework is completed and handed in to be marked before Thursday of the following week.

Describing a setting

This week, Rhino class have looked primarily at character description but finished the week by exploring a setting. To tie in with our class text of Fantastic Mr Fox, the pupils explored a woodland setting in detail.

By imagining themselves in the setting, they constructed phrases using their senses and prepositions to help explain where they could see, hear or smell details.

All this preparation should lead to some excellent descriptive writing next week.

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