Updated arrival and collection times

Changes to staggered drop off and collection times

Effective from Thursday 3.9.2020

Thank you so much for all your patience and consideration on our first day back. We monitored the time it took for each class to get inside and the volume of adults using the playground one way system. We are now able to make some amendments to our planned timings which we hope will make things even quicker and easier for you.


We would like to trial opening the gates for panda, tiger, rhino and jaguar classes between 8:40-9:00 as we feel that it would give you the opportunity to be flexible and create a natural staggering of children. We noted that as no jaguar parents and very few rhino parents needed to come into the school grounds, it made social distancing much easier.

Nursery: the children can’t come into nursery as early as the rest of the school but it will be open at 8:55 onward for you.


Again, due to the children being so swift we can condense the release times from each class slightly.

Nursery: 2:50 – 3:00

Panda: 2:55 – 3:00

Tiger: 3:00

Rhino: 3:05

Jaguar: 3:10

In order for this to work and to minimise the mixing of bubbles and adults, we would ask you to leave swiftly with your children and adhere to the one way system. There is a lot of space in the playground to enable people to pass each other or wait for a sibling without compromising social distancing.

Thank you for your support. We will continue to regularly review and update our Covid safety measures in the best interests of our children, families and staff.




Snow Leopards

Hello Snow Leopards, I hope you all had an enjoyable Summer.

We have been busy in nursery getting it all ready for your return. Myself and Fran are very excited, we hope you are too!

We will be unable to invite parents into the nursery setting, so drop off and collection with take place in the playground where parents will enter through the main school gate and exit through the nursery gate. This one way system is to limit contact with other parents.

Our drop off time is 9:15am and collection is 2:45pm
(Please refer to the older post with regards to drop off and collections, if you have any queries)

Please only send your child to nursery with the essentials that they may need in their bag (spare clothes, nappies, wipes, coats) please provide your child with a water bottle so your child has access to a drink throughout the day.
No toys from home are allowed to be brought into the setting.

School lunches:
Grab and Go bags will be available to order, unfortunately at the moment we are unable to provide hot lunches. Payments are preferred through our online system, though we do also accept cash in a named sealed envelope. You can also still provide a pack lunch for your children to bring into nursery.

We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow!


Collection Times – End of School Day (Excluding Nursery Children)

Dear Parent/Guardian

If you have several children to collect from school at the end of the school day and their leaving times are staggered. It has been agreed that you may collect your children at the time which relates to the eldest child. For Example, Child in Yr 1 collection time is 2:45, sibling in Yr 5 collection time 3:10, you would be able to arrive at school and collect both children for 3:10pm.

This rule does NOT apply to any children which attend Nursery, their hours of, arrival 9:15am, collection at 2:45 MUST be adhered too.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to give school a ring on 01939 290834


Mrs Smith

Wednesday 2nd Sept – Please come to school in your PE Kit

Dear Parents/Guardian

Our Sports Coaches are keen to start their PE sessions with the children tomorrow (Wednesday 2nd September). Please send your child to school in their PE kit NOT their school uniform. They will remain in their sports kit all day.

Any questions please give school a call on 01939 290834


Mrs Smith

To all Panda Parents – Reception & Year1

Hello All,

I do hope you have had a relaxing Summer break.

I have been in the classroom getting things ready and planning for the return of our fabulous Pandas!  I can’t wait to see them all.

Just a few notes and reminders:

Year 1 children return on Wednesday 2nd September 9:00-9:10 Drop off and 2:45 collection every day.

Reception children, as stated in the letter you received in the post, start on Thursday 3rd September 9:00-9:10 Drop off and collection is at 11:30.

From the 11th – 18th September  Reception 9:00-9:10 Drop off, children stay for lunch, and are collected at 1:15.

From 21st September on-wards Reception do the same day as Year 1s.  9:00-9:10 Drop off and 2:45 collection.


We are really lucky to have the PE coaches in the first week back, so children will need to come in their PE kits every Wednesday & Friday as we will not be getting changed in school.

If you have any questions at all please do email me directly on Turner.a@Myddle.shropshire.sch.uk

I look forward to seeing you all soon.

P.S I will hopefully be adding some pictures so the children can see what the classroom looks like.

Best Wishes

Mandy Turner

September Arrangements – update and reminder

We hope you are all enjoying the holidays so far. With 2 weeks to go until we come back, please can we ask that you carefully read the attached letter outlining our re-opening plans for September. Many thanks.

September reminder letter 14.8.2020 Myddle

Sunrise/Sunset Club – Little Angels – September

Dear Parents/Carers

Little Angels are now taking bookings for breakfast and after school club for September.

Please contact Jemma on 07834564688 or via the Facebook page ‘Little Angels of Myddle’.


Mrs Smith

Rhino Daily Challenge – Aliens

Today’s final challenge if the term should be fun. Today I would like to design and write about your own alien.

You can use the finger and hand print guide below or completely design and draw your own alien.

Hand and Foot Print Aliens

After you have finished your artwork, I would like to create a fact file on your alien. As well as coming with a unique name, try and think of some interesting sub headings to  write information about. Such as: home planet, special powers, unique features, diet, a day in the life of, amazing fact etc etc.

Have fun everyone and enjoy your last challenge before the summer break.


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