Homework due on Monday 22nd March

All children who have brought back their Homework books have had these now updated for next week.

Times table sheet (depending on child’s results from previous test).
Spellings (in Spellings book) – can also be found on Tiger Class Spellings page of our School website.

Assignments in Maths Shed and Spelling Shed – login details can be find in Homework books.

Times tables tests and Spelling tests will continue to take place every Monday.


Please can we ask that all outstanding payments for Covid Wrap Around Care be made to school by the end of the school day on Friday 19th March.

If you have any questions or queries regarding the outstanding figure please do not hesitate to get in touch with school on 01939 290834

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith

Outstanding Nursery Payments

Please can we ask that all outstanding payments for Nursery children be made to school by the end of the school day on Friday 19th March.

If you have any questions or queries regarding the outstanding figure please do not hesitate to get in touch with school on 01939 290834

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith

Updated guidance on clubs and childcare settings

Please could we encourage you to read this new updated guidance below? We are working so hard in school to keep your children safe and keep them separate from children in other classes. We know many of you need to access child care after school and during holidays, so hopefully this is helpful. You should use only one additional setting alongside school.

The full updated Guidance regarding children attending out of school settings and clubs during pandemic can be accessed by clicking this link.  Some of the pertinent points are pasted from the article below and tell you what you can do from 8th March, from the 29th March, including the Easter break:

As of 8th March, out-of-school settings and wraparound childcare providers can now offer indoor and outdoor face-to-face provision to:

  • vulnerable children and young people, under any circumstance
  • all other children, where the provision is one of the following:
    • reasonably necessary to enable their parents and carers to work, search for work, undertake education or training, or attend a medical appointment or address a medical need, or attend a support group
    • being used by electively home educating parents as part of their arrangements for their child to receive a suitable full-time education
    • for the purposes of obtaining a regulated qualification, meeting the entry requirements for an education institution, or to undertake exams and assessments

From 29th March, as set out in the COVID-19 response spring 2021 guidance, and in line with when schools close for the Easter holidays, out-of-school settings and wraparound providers will be able to offer the following provision.

Outdoor provision to all children, without restrictions on the purpose for which they may attend.

Indoor provision to:

  • vulnerable children and young people, under any circumstance
  • children on free school meals, where they are attending as part of the Department for Education’s holiday activities and food programme
  • all other children, where the provision is one of the following:
    • reasonably necessary to enable their parents and carers to work, search for work, undertake education or training, or attend a medical appointment or address a medical need, or attend a support group
    • being used by electively home educating parents as part of their arrangements for their child to receive a suitable full-time education
    • being used for the purposes of obtaining a regulated qualification, meeting the entry requirements for an education institution, or to undertake exams and assessments
Choosing after-school clubs and out-of-school activities for your child

You should send your child to the same settings consistently and limit the number of settings they attend as far as possible, and ideally ensure they attend only one out-of-school setting in addition to school.

You should use settings local to your home or child’s school, such as settings within walking or cycling distance.

You should also keep a record of when your child attends a setting and where it is. This is to help NHS Test and Trace identify people who may have been in contact with your child if they test positive for coronavirus (COVID-19).

Check with the provider that they have put in place protective measures to reduce the risk of infection before you send your child to a particular setting. For more information on choosing a setting for your child, please read the guidance for parents and carers on safeguarding children in out-of-school settings.

Parent attendance at extra-curricular clubs, tuition and other out-of-school activities

Parents and carers should not be allowed into the setting unless it is essential. It is particularly important during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak that you ensure the provider has your most up-to-date contact details in case of an emergency.

Live performances of children’s dance, music and drama should not take place at this time.

Year 3 spellings to be tested on Monday 22nd March

Adding the suffix ‘-ally’ which is used instead of ‘-ly’ when the root word ends in ‘–ic.’


Year 2 Spellings to be tested on Monday 22nd March

The /or/ sound spelled ’a’ before ll and l.


Our first week back

Dear Parents and Carers,

Well, we have had a really successful first week back. It has been so pleasing to see the children return and return so happily. It was such a rewarding feeling on Monday morning to see the beaming smiles on the children’s faces as they saw their friends and school staff.

We prepared lots of activities in order to ease the children back into school as well as support their emotional needs. The children responded to these well and in fact were very ready to continue with their day to day lessons. It has been fantastic to see all children settle so well back into their school routine.

As you are aware, we have kept many of the systems in place that worked so well last term which have allowed us to open up as safely as we can. Although some measures are a challenge to manage, it is important that we adhere to these to ensure we are following the DFE guidance.

To ensure we keep everyone safe we need your support too.

We still have the one way system in place for drop off and collection. The aim of this is to give all adults the space to socially distance and we encourage you to use this. We understand that it is further to walk but we have noticed a number of parents choosing to wait outside the school grounds to collect pupils at the end of the day. Unfortunately, if everyone did this the pavement area outside the school would become very overcrowded making it difficult for others to safely pass. Please keep yourselves and others safe by using the system we have put in place.

Parents of Jaguar class, we don’t expect you to use the one way system due to where the pupils exit their classroom, but please be mindful that you are not blocking the pavement while waiting. We would also still advice the wearing of face coverings even though you are outside of the school grounds.

We have also spent a lot of time organising procedures so that we can keep bubbles separate during the school day. This allows us to reduce the impact of Covid on the whole school and keep any cases isolated to just one bubble. Although we encourage social distancing between pupils, the bubble system is our main way of minimising risk and spread of the virus.

Please can we ask that you all be mindful of this, ensuring your children do not mix with other pupils from different bubbles during collection or after school.

We can only beat the virus if we work together.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mr Glover

Notice about Parent Governor Election Arrangements/Request for Nominations

We are sending home tonight an important letter and Nomination form which requires your attention. A copy of this is also attached to this email.

Nominations need to be returned to school by the end of the school day on Thursday 18th March.

Please do not hesitate to contact school if you have any questions.

Mrs Smith

Parent Governor Election March 21


Comic Relief – Friday 19th March

This year, to raise money for Comic Relief, we would like everyone to dress up as superheroes.

However, instead of the usual Spiderman and Batman, we would love it this year if the children could create and become their own superheroes.

If you like cooking then you could come as Brilliant Baker Boy or if you like gardening you could dress as Great Gardening Girl.  We want the children to really celebrate an attribute or a hobby that is unique to them.

Please don’t go and spend a lot of money on costumes, we would just love to see simple costumes that could be made using things you have around the house. If your child’s particular attribute has a uniform, then this could be worn. You could even wear normal clothes and just make a mask.

If you would like some help creating your own superhero mask click on the link below which will take you to the Red Nose Day website and a collection of different masks that you can make your own.

Superhero masks – RND 21

On the day, please can you send your donations in with your children which we will then collect in as a class.

Many thanks

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