PTA Autumn Disco – Buy your tickets

The PTA are holding their Autumn Disco on the 25th October.

To purchase your tickets, click on the link below:


Afterschool Football Friendly 12th October – CANCELLED

The Friendly Football match at Ruyton X1 Towns Primary School tomorrow, 12th October, has been cancelled due to weather conditions.

Parents Evening Slots are now LIVE!

If you have any problems please give Mrs Smith a call on 01939 290834

Information from Little Angels

Hi everyone 😊

Just a little Note to say, if your child is down to attend Little Angels, they must come to the hall after school that day. If you choose to collect your child at pick up instead, please go to the office and ring Little Angels doorbell and we will bring your child to you, this is to stop any confusion on who is supposed to be attending and who is not, whilst also keeping the child safe from leaving with the wrong person.


Also if your child is not down to attend Little Angels, we can Not accept responsibility for them. The child will be the schools responsibility and you will be contacted by the office. In short notice situations we are only a message or call away to get them booked in 😊


Communication is essential to keep all the Children safe.

*** Headlice***

It has come to our attention that we have some unwelcome visitors in school. We would be grateful for your support in eradicating the lice.

Please can we ask that you check your child’s hair tonight and treat anything you find. Please can we also ask that all hair is tied up in a pony tail whilst your child is in school.

For more information, please follow this link:

Harvest Festival – 3rd October

Our Harvest Festival is taking place in Church on Tuesday, 3rd October at 9.30am.

Everyone is welcome to come and join us!

If you would like to donate any dried food supplies, we will having a collection for the local food bank.

Clubs Update – Wednesday 27th Sept

Football and Wild play Clubs ARE taking place today.

Wild play will be taking place in school and Football will be taking place outside initially, but can be moved into the hall if Coach Neil feels its necessary.

Cake Sale – 3pm TODAY (25th Sept)

The PTA and Staff will be holding a cake sale after school tonight. All proceeds from this event will be donated to MacMillan Cancer Support. Please bring your purse!

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