Thank you

A massive “THANK YOU” to the Munn family who very kindly came into school during the Easter Holidays to paint the school sheds.

We are so very grateful to you, they look brilliant!!



Myddle School Kitchen

The governors have had a difficult decision to make about the long-term future of the kitchen as there is simply not enough demand to prevent it making a huge loss.  The kitchen deficit is starting to have a knock on impact on school budgets, which in a small school, is extremely significant and would mean the loss of staff and potentially the fourth class if not addressed in a timely fashion.

The pandemic has had some impact on numbers of course, but during the autumn term when all children were in school, only 28% of children in KS2 were paying for a meal. Myddle currently export dinners to Weston Lullingfields, but their numbers have dropped so low that it can no longer be relied upon to make Myddle kitchen viable.

The school therefore will close the kitchen provision at Myddle from September and export the meals from Baschurch.  Meals have been brought over from Baschurch  numerous times already when the Sara has been absent, and we know it works well. Sara and Bev will both be working at Baschurch to prepare the meals.

By moving the catering from Myddle to Baschurch, the benefits would be:

  1. the current staff remain employed as part of the federation team;
  2. Myddle would not keep running the kitchen at a deficit and having to supplement from the main budget;
  3. the kitchen space at Myddle could be used for other purposes providing more space in our growing school;
  4. there would be reduced energy bills for Myddle;
  5. it would help safeguard the teacher posts at Myddle when the pupil numbers drop in 2 years time.
  6. Myddle would only pay half the fees to the catering company.

We will still need to try and increase dinner numbers at both schools, so will be doing some surveys and research into what children and parents want.  It would be really helpful if you could give some input when we send these out.

Thank you very much.

Afterschool Sports Sessions

We have had to change the day that the Afterschool Sports Sessions will be taking place. We will now be running these clubs after school on a Wednesday rather than a Friday. Please make a note of the new dates for your child’s three sessions.

Jaguar Class – 21st, 28th April & 5th May
Rhino Class – 12th, 19th & 26th May
Tiger Class – 9th, 16th & 23rd June
Panda Class – 30th June, 7th & 14th July

Thank you to everyone who has returned their slips and paid for their afterschool sessions, there is still time if you would like your child to take part and the letter with all of the details is attached.

Wright Way Afterschool April 21

PTA Easter Colouring Competition

Thank you so much to all of the children for their eggcellent entries for the PTA competition. We were eggtremely impressed with the detail and all of their hardwork.

Mrs Knight, School Business Manager, was our eggxpert judge and picked an entry from each class! Mrs Williams was so eggxcited to present the prizes to each winner.

We would like to thank our amazing PTA who have made sure that every child went home with an Easter Egg and supplied the prizes for the colouring competition.

Have an amazing Easter and see you all on the 19th.

Celebration Assembly – 1st April

Star of the Week :
Jaguar – Cameron & Sophie Ca
Rhino – Imogen
Tiger – Isaac
Panda -Bradley

Mathematician of the Week: Isobel, Sam, Ryan, Fraser & William Pe

Reader of the Week: Holly H, Megan, Ben & Steven

Writer of the Week: Heidi, Amber, Ewan & Olivia PN

Hand writers of the Week: Sophie Co, Abi, Riley & Aria

Well Done Everyone

Happy Easter !!

Our Virtual Easter Service – tomorrow!

We hope you will all be able to join us virtually as we present to you our fantastic Easter Service this year. You are very welcome to share the link with family members or perhaps members of the local community who would enjoy listening to the children sing.

The service can be found on Youtube by clicking this link

It goes live tomorrow morning.

We wish all of our school community a very restful holiday.


Free – NHS have launched a NEW online parenting course

The Solihull Approach (NHS) have launched a NEW online parenting course

How do I access?

Via the In Our Place website.

What’s the code?

  • If you haven’t used it already here is the access code for all the online courses (funded for residents of Shropshire): DARWIN18
  • If, like many parents, you have already used this code, log into your account here and this course will be ready in your dashboard to start whenever you are ready.

Can I tell my family and friends?

Absolutely! Share the news with other families in the area so that they too can take advantage of this fantastic opportunity.

How long is it?

There are 7 modules which each take about 5 minutes to complete and will benefit from time to digest in between.

If you like this…

…you might like the bigger  ‘Understanding your child’ or ‘Understanding your child with additional needs’, or other courses in the series available via the In Our Place website.   These are all free with the code DARWIN18

Easter Holidays Contact Tracing

Dear Parents/Carers,
The Department for Education have asked us to make you aware of the following information and relevant arrangements regarding positive COVID-19 cases in the holidays:

  • If your child develops symptoms within 48 hours of being in school and tests positive for coronavirus (COVID 19) during the first 6 days after teaching ends (Friday 2nd April to Wednesday 7th April), the school will be asked to assist in identifying close contacts and advising self-isolation, as the individual may have been infectious whilst in school.
  • Where a pupil or staff member tests positive for coronavirus (COVID-19), having developed symptoms more than 48 hours since being in school, the school should not be contacted. Parents and carers should follow contact tracing instructions provided by NHS Test and Trace.
  • School staff are not asked to remain on-call or conduct any contact tracing more than 6 days after the final day of teaching. Where a school’s last teaching day is on Thursday 1st April, there should be no pupil contact tracing asks beyond Wednesday 7th April.

For the first 6 days after the end of term, schools are not asked to be on-call at all times. Our school admin team will check the admin emails once a day from Friday 2nd April to Wednesday 7th April.
Where pupils are required to self-isolate due to testing positive or due to contact with a positive case after Wednesday 7th April, we do not need to be informed about their absence until Monday 19th April.
When do I need to contact school?  

If your child develops symptoms of COVID-19 within 48 hours of being in school and then tests positive for COVID-19, please email the admin address ( as soon as possible with the following information –

  • Pupil Name and class
  • The date the symptoms began
  • The date your child was last in school
  • The date the test was carried out
  • The date the result was received

We will then use this information to contact Public Health England. If your child’s test result comes back negative, you do not need to inform school.

If we need to ask you to isolate, we will do so via class dojo.

If you have any questions, please contact the school office on 01939 290834

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