Tennis Sessions – Tuesday 25th May

We are going to “attempt” the tennis sessions again tomorrow as the weather looks slightly better.

Please can you send your child to school in their PE kits and a warm coat.


Current COVID guidance

We would just like to remind you again of the current guidelines we are following regarding illness –

If your child is displaying any COVID symptoms (a high temperature, a new continuous cough or loss of sense of smell/taste) they must self-isolate for 10 days, or until a negative test result has been received.  The rest of the household must also self-isolate for the same period.


We advise you to get your child tested as soon as possible (no later than 5 days) and if the test comes back negative they, and any siblings, may return to school immediately if they are well enough in general.  You can book a PCR test by calling 119 or by visiting

Rapid lateral flow tests should not be used on children if they have symptoms, as these are only to be used when no symptoms are present. You must either book a PCR test or contact school for a home testing kit.

If anyone in your household is displaying any of the above COVID symptoms please do not bring your children to school, as they must self-isolate for 10 days or until a negative test result is received by the person displaying symptoms.

If your child is not displaying any of the above symptoms and is well enough to cope with a full day of school, they can come in.  If your child feels at all unwell before coming to school, please do not send them in. Usually we encourage children to ‘see how it goes’ but in the current circumstances we cannot allow this.

If you have any questions, please contact the school office. Thank you for your support.


We have had several confirmed cases of Chickenpox this week.

If you have concerns that your child might be unwelll please keep them off school and follow the NHS guidance below.

Celebration Assembly – 21st May

Star of the Week :
Jaguar – All Yr.6 Pupils for their hard work and commitment during their assessments
Rhino – Megan
Tiger – Charlie
Panda – Olivia

Mathematician of the Week: Cass, Tom, James D and Owen

Reader of the Week: Sam, Amelia W, Mia & Luke

Writer of the Week: Alex, Josh, Caspar & Sebastian

Hand writers of the Week: Isla, Jack P and all of Tiger class for their significant      improvement.

Well Done Everyone and Have a great weekend!

School Office – Friday 21st May

The school office will be closed from 1pm tomorrow, Friday 21st May, for staff training.

If you have any questions or concerns please call Baschurch Primary School on 01939 260443.

Rhino Homework – 21.5.21

This week in maths, we have started looking at time. For homework this week, the children are to complete some activities linked to telling the time via an analogue clock face. These involve the children labelling a clock face, reading some times as well as drawing hands correctly on some empty faces.

Time – Clocks

Below is a helpful song from Numberock with help some of the concepts

Safer Schools

In March 2012, our School was accredited a ‘Safer School’. This is a school security initiative created by West Mercia Police and supported by Shropshire Council. It involves the following aspects.

  1. Implement basic security measures applicable at all schools i.e. property marking, and visitor passes etc.
  2. Consider pro-active security/safety measures for the site/building and/or protecting assets.
  3. Establish a procedure for recording incidents i.e. anti-social behaviour, vandalism etc. Any recorded information can then be analysed. In addition, the same recording procedure can be used for surveying a problem i.e. an unauthorised thoroughfare.
  4. If there are any projects to be undertaken, they are prioritised. Following the implementation of a project, the success of it is reviewed.
  5. PSHE or education of pupils as per the Safer School

To maintain the accreditation, we have held regular Safer School meetings since 2012.  Part of the Safer School process is gathering the views/concerns of parents/carers. If you have views/concerns, including any positive observations, please could you forward in writing by Friday 28th May 2021 so they may be considered at the next Safer School meeting in June. The focus is the school grounds/site only NOT the parking arrangements outside the school.  We will also be doing surveys with the pupils in school.

Thank you.

Mrs Williams
Executive Headteacher

Help Us to recycle old pens

We have started a box in school to collect used pens, felt-tip pens, highlighters, board markers and tippex. It is outside Tiger classroom.

The old writing instruments will be taken to Ryman’s in Shrewsbury and terra-cycled by BIC. The plastic will be re-purposed into litter bins, watering cans and seating.

You can bring in your old pens from home too!

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