Panto Payments

Anyone who missed the deadline for the Panto Payment for Jack in the Beanstalk at Theatre Severn.

It is now back on School Gateway.

Any questions please give Mrs Smith a ring on 01939 290834


Friday 24th November – Village Hall Car Park

Please can parents avoid the village hall car park on Friday at the end of the day.

The Village Hall have a function taking place and will need the parking spaces.

Collection Times – End of the Day

  • Panda: 3pm
  • Tiger: 3pm
  • Rhino: 3.05pm
  • Jaguar: 3.10pm

If you have any questions please give Mrs Smith, School Office a bell on 01939 290834

Parking Complaints

Please can parents be mindful when parking outside school in the layby.

We have received complaints about cars sticking out into the road specifically by the phone box, this is massively dangerous to other drivers who are coming down the bank into the village. We will ask you to move your vehicle if it is deemed to be parked dangerously to keep everyone safe. Please use the Red Lion Car Park or the Village hall car park if there are no spaces outside school.

Measles Update

The United Kingdom Health Security Agency (UKHSA) have recently updated information following a national increase in the number of measles cases. UKHSA is urging parents of young children, teenagers and adults to check they are up to date with their MMR vaccines, particularly as we are spending more time indoors where measles can spread more easily. Children are offered the first vaccination at 1 year and the second dose at 3 years and 4 months.

Parents/Carers can check if their child is up to date with their MMR vaccines, by looking in the child’s personal child health record (PCHR), known as the red book, or contact the GP practice. If anyone has missed one or both doses of the MMR vaccine, contact the GP practice to book an appointment. It is never too late to catch up.

Symptoms of measles

Measles usually starts with cold like symptoms e.g. a high temperature, blocked or runny nose, sneezing, cough, red, sore watery eyes

Other symptoms:

Small white spots in mouth

Measles rash (red and blotchy) which usually appears a few days after the cold like symptoms starting on face and behind ears then spreading to rest of the body.

Anyone displaying symptoms should consult the GP or NHS 111

For further information visit NHS Website

Anyone with symptoms should not return to the setting, school, nursery etc.  for at least 4 days from when the rash first appears and avoid close contact with babies, pregnant women and people with a weakened immune system.

Reducing the spread of infection

Wash hands regularly with soap and water

Use tissues when you cough and sneeze

Throw used tissues in to the bin


Children in Need – Cake Sale

We need your cake donations, please, please, please!!

The sale will take place after school this Friday, 17th November, on the school playground.

Please drop you cakes to Mrs Smith at the school reception.

Thank in advance

Yr. 6 Pupils, Sarah & Ben

Monday 20th November – Individual/Family Photographs

Tempest will be in school on Monday 20th November at 9am. They will be taking individual pictures and family ones too. If you have younger siblings who are not in school and you would like them be to include in the family pictures, please bring them to reception for 9am.


Mrs Smith

School Team PE Tops

We have several team tops that have not been returned to school following sporting fixtures.

I’ve attached an example of the team top so you know what you are looking for!

Please can these be returned to school asap.

Mrs Smith

Little Heath Girls PE Sports Polo Top

Friday 17th November – Children in Need 2023

Children in Need 2023 is fast approaching and Myddle School will be going “Spotty” this year!

Your child can come to school dressed head to toe in spots on Friday 17th November, with all money raised on this day going to this amazing charity.

Our only plea is that they wear their trainers so they can take part in their PE Sessions.

Any Donations  can be made via the just giving page below:  


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