Guidance from Shropshire Fire & Rescue – Bonfire Night

At Bonfire Night (5th November), we encourage you to celebrate safely at an organised event.

However, if you decide to do something at home, these tips are to help you think about and prepare for a fun and safe celebration.

Plan ahead:

  •  Fireworks must be stored safely, in a closed box, somewhere cool and dry, out of reach of children and animals, until the time they are needed. Don’t keep the box under the stairs or in a passageway.
  •  Do you have a large enough space to let fireworks off safely? Each firework should have a minimum safety distance marked on it.
  •  Be considerate to your neighbours: warn them beforehand so they can take in their washing, close windows, keep their pets indoors and, if necessary, take other precautions. Why not invite them?
  •  Only buy fireworks from reputable dealers. The fireworks should have the product safety marking BS7114 or equivalent and carry a CE mark.
  •  Most shops have only been given permission to sell fireworks on or between these dates: 15 October to 10 November, 26 to 31 December, 3 days before Diwali and Chinese New Year. To buy fireworks at other times, you must go to specially licensed shops.
  •  Fireworks cannot be let off between 11pm and 7am except on: Bonfire Night (5 November), when the cut off is midnight; New Year’s Eve, Diwali and Chinese New Year, when the cut off is 1am.


  • Fireworks must only be handled and lit by responsible adults.
  • Alcohol and fire don’t mix – nor do alcohol and fireworks.
  • Keep fireworks in a closed box well away from the bonfire or any other sources of heat or fire.
  • Follow the instructions on each firework. Different fireworks can present different hazards and so the instructions vary.
  • Use a torch if you read the instructions in the dark – do not use a naked flame.
  • Let fireworks off one at a time.
  • Do not throw fireworks – it is highly dangerous.
  • Light them at arm’s length, using a taper.
  • Never play with fireworks – they are explosives and can hurt you.
  • When you are watching fireworks, stand well back.
  • Never go near a firework that has been lit. Even if it hasn’t gone off, it could still explode.
  • Hold sparklers one at a time in gloved hands at arm’s length. When the sparkler goes out, it is still very hot so put it end down in a bucket of water.
  • Never leave matches or lighters lying around
  • The Office for Product Safety & Standards (OPSS) has produced safety tips on how to use fireworks responsibly and protect people and animals from harm. You can find these on the government website

People are injured by fireworks and admitted to hospital with children particularly at risk. Between 2014 –19 there were more than 1,000 severe burn injuries involving fireworks in England and Wales, with 38 per cent of these in youngsters under 15 years of age and the majority 67 per cent sustained by males.

We recommend that you do not use sky lanterns as you have no control over them once they’ve been set off. They can kill animals, litter the countryside and start fires. If you do choose to set them off, always follow the manufacturers’ guidance/instructions carefully.

Clearing up:

  • Pick up the spent firework cases – they can still be dangerous. Look for fireworks with a torch. Use tongs or some other suitable tool and wear heatproof gloves.
  • Don’t allow children to collect firework cases.
  • If any firework looks as if it hasn’t gone off after at least half an hour, soak it in water to prevent it reigniting.

Alert from Neighbourhood Matters & Police – Storm Babet Flooding

If you come across a road that is flooded, please do not attempt to drive through it. As well as putting yourself and others in danger, it could damage your vehicle.

In all other areas, roads will be extremely wet and stopping distances could double.

Take extra care, slow down and keep back from the vehicle in front.

For more information:

·  For the latest weather updates follow Met Office

Rhino Trip – Tuesday 24th – IMPORTANT

Please can you return your permission slips to school asap, all payments for this trip are to made via School Gateway.

If you require school to provide your child with a packed lunch, please let Mrs Smith or Mrs Beauchamp know by Friday 18th at the latest. We will assume that if we hear nothing, parents are sending a packed lunch.


Marshmallow Melting fun in Wildplay Club

Beau and Alfie had a great time with Ellie at Wild play Club, several melted marshmallows were consumed, lots of fun was had by all!!

Feedback from Alfie following the session “I wish I could do it every day, it’s so much fun – my favourite things have been making the fire and toasting marshmallows, climbing trees and feeding the birds”

Art Club – 26th October -CANCELLED

Unfortunately,  we are having to cancel Art Club on the 26th October.

We will add an extra session after half term, date to follow.

Please accept our apologises for this.

Christmas Card Samples – Deadline to order *18th October*

The Christmas Card samples have been sent home with your child. Please check their book bags.

To place an order, follow the instructions on the sample, using the QR code. Alternatively the link is also below:

The deadline to place an order for your cards is Wednesday, 18th October, so you don’t have long!

The PTA will receive a percentage of the overall cost of the schools orders.

Secondary Application deadline – 31 October 2023

The closing date for secondary applications is 31 October 2023 which falls in the half-term holidays. If you have not already done so, we encourage you to submit an application as soon as possible but before the deadline date. This will ensure that if you encounter any problems, you can be supported/helped and to submit your application on time. There is no grace period for late applications. The link for the website is – Transferring to secondary school | Shropshire Council


The School Admissions Team strongly encourage parents to name three preferences, particularly if you reside in the Shrewsbury area.  Please see the Parents’ Guide to Education in Shropshire Booklet for further information.  The link to the document is Parents’ guide to education | Shropshire Council


If you have already made an application and wish to add additional preferences please contact

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