Parking Outside School – TODAY 4th November

It would appear there is an event at the village hall today and parking around the school is VERY limited.

Please try and allow a little extra time to get to school and to find somewhere to park.

Positive Case – Jaguar Class

We have had a confirmed case of COVID-19 in Jaguar Class.

We would encourage everyone in this Class to book a PCR test as soon as possible. Please note a Lateral Flow test is not acceptable for those classed as close contacts.

Please do not send your child in to school if they have any COVID-19 symptoms. If you have any questions please refer to the local authority guidance which was sent home on the 15th October and posted on the school website on the 4th October. A key point in this guidance is that your child cannot come to school if there is a positive case in your household.

Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 2021

In school we will be supporting the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.

Next week (8th November onwards) there will be a selection of items on sale within school. Please see below a list of the items and their prices –

Poppy – minimum donation of 20p
Reflective poppy – 50p
Zip Pull – 50p
Snap band rulers – £1.50
Wristbands – £1.00

If your child wishes to purchase any of the above items, they must bring the money with them to school. Items cannot be purchased from the school office, nor can the school office pass money to children if it has been forgotten.

Please ensure that your child brings the correct money as change cannot be given.

An order form will be given to each class every morning for children to place their orders. All items will be sold on a first come first serve basis.  Purchased items will be given to children at the end of each day.

Children in Need – 19th November

On Friday 19th November, we will be having a Dress Up Day for Children in Need!

On this day children can come to school wearing whatever they like!  This could be their favourite fancy dress outfit, pjs or simply non-uniform.

This year we have set up a JustGiving page for donations. We would love to raise at least £100 so any donations would be gratefully received. If you would like to make a donation, please visit our page –

Myddle Primary is fundraising for BBC Children in Need (

All proceeds will go to BBC Children in Need. Please do not send cash donations
into school.

Thank you for your support.


Worrying about money leaflets – support for families

The ‘Worrying About Money?’ leaflets are a new straightforward resource for people in Shropshire facing financial crisis, and anyone supporting them.

You can see quickly the available advice and cash first support options and which local agencies are best placed to help.

The Leaflet aims to reduce the need for emergency food aid by

  • helping people access any existing financial entitlements and
  • give advice on income maximisation as a cash first response to food insecurity.

Leaflets are already in circulation in Scotland and other areas of England. The project recognises that many frontline staff and volunteers find it difficult to keep up to date with financial options and services that can help. Many also struggle to feel confident to speak to people about money worries and help them.

Our hope is that this leaflet will help both those in need of support, and those working to help them, to navigate what can sometimes be a complex system.

For more information about the Shropshire ‘Worrying About Money?’ leaflet or to request free hard copies, please contact .

Menu Change – Wednesday 3rd November

There is a change to the menu tomorrow. It will be Roast Beef instead of the advertised Turkey.

Apologises for this change.

Welcome Back – Monday 1st November

Dear all,

We look forward to the new half term starting tomorrow (Monday 1st November). We sincerely hope that those of you who caught Covid before we broke up are feeling much better now.  We want to make sure we are as healthy as possible this half term, so please can we ask that take as many precautions as possible before bringing your child to school tomorrow:

IF SOMEONE IN THE HOUSEHOLD HAS TESTED POSITIVE: do not bring your child to school;

IF YOUR CHILD HAS COVID SYMPTOMS: they must take a PCR test and do not come to school until you have received a negative result;


In school, we are going to be operating class bubbles again as far as possible. Pandas and Tigers will form one bubble to enable phonic groups to continue effectively. Staff will wear masks and / or visors in communal areas and when working with children who are not in their bubble. Our strict handwashing and sanitising will continue, as well as our lunchtime cleaning of toilets, sinks, touchpoints and table tops. In Worship, each bubble will sit separately. If we feel this is not adequate, we will revert back to virtual worships.

Please help us by washing your child’s hands before and after school, taking their temperature and monitoring their health.  Please be reassured that you won’t be penalised for keeping your child at home while waiting for PCR results, or when taking a child our of school for a PCR test.

Many thanks for all your support. We have lots of lovely themes and activities for our learning leading up to Christmas so our main aim is to have our children in school as happily and healthily as possible.

See you all tomorrow.

Precautionary symptoms

PTA Tuck Shop – End of Day Thursday 20th October

The PTA have kindly offered to hold a Tuck Shop afterschool tomorrow as a treat for the children. Sorry Parents/Carers, don’t forget your purse 🙂


Toys/Fidget Toys

Please can we ask that pupils do NOT bring any toys into school, this includes fidget toys. Children only need to bring their school/reading books in their school bag, a coat, water bottle and their packed lunch if this is applicable.

If any toys are brought in they will be held by the class teacher and returned to parents at the end of the day.

If you have any questions please either speak to Mr Glover or Mrs Smith

Thank you for your support.

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