End of Term Celebration Assembly – Friday 5th April

Star Pupils

Snow Leopard: William

Panda:  Dylan

Tiger: Brooke

Rhino: Lilly L 

Jaguar:  Harvey

Mathematician of the week:  Malachai

Writer of the week: Ariana

Reader of the week:  Amelia W

Handwriter of the week: 

Winners of Scruffy:  Snow Leopard

A special mention to all of the fantastic pupils who won cups this term, also all of the amazing pupils who took part in the Tri-Golf and KS2 Cross-Country Competitions!


Easter Egg Hunt

Just a reminder that on the last day of term, Friday 12th April, we will be holding an Easter Egg Hunt for all of our children at school.  Every child that takes part in the hunt will receive a small chocolate egg as a prize. On this day we will also be holding an Easter Egg Raffle so please remember to bring your pennies!  All money raised will go towards the Phil Jones Memorial Fund.

Message from the Fun Run Organiser

Drum Roll Please! The Myddle Multi-Terrain Fun Run 2019 raised a staggering £2,230.75!  We had a whopping 237 runners which is a new record!

I just want to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU to the 40+ parents, children and staff who stepped up to help out on the fun run last Sunday.  We also had a tremendous response from community -minded Myddle residents who were absolutely invaluable in bolstering our numbers.  Thank you to our set-up team, route marshals, our first-aiders, refreshments team, registration team and timekeeping/recording ninjas, not to mention the clear-up effort afterwards that went so swiftly!  Any feedback that you may have, whether you were a volunteer or not, please let me know!

I have a few bespoke Fun Run medals left (the ones designed by Eve in Panda class and handed out to the 3 and 6 mile runners) so if you would like one as a keepsake I will be happy to let you have one for a small donation! Please just ask me or get in touch with reception!

The fun run is no mean feat to organise and as this event is clearly gaining in popularity I’m going to be forming a small committee for next year’s event.  If you want to be part of it you don’t need experience just a bucket load of enthusiasm!  Please get in touch if you think this might interest you!

07919 592782

Celebration Assembly

Reminder that there will be a Celebration Assembly this Friday 5th April at 9.05am.  Everyone welcome, we hope to see you there.

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