Star of the Week – 10th May 2019

Star Pupils

Snow Leopard: Felix M

Panda: Katheryn

Tiger: Ethan D

Rhino: Isla C

Jaguar:  Maddie R

Mathematician of the week:  Esme

Writer of the week: Charlie P

Reader of the week: Isabella W

Handwriter of the week: Charlie H

Winners of Scruffy: Panda  

A Massive congratulations and Good Luck to Rhys F and Lucy H. Rhys has been accepted into the Everton Training Squad and Lucy who is taking part with her gymnastic squad at an event in London.

Well Done Everyone!!!


PTA News

Dear Parent/Carer

Well done to everyone who donated their unwanted items for the “Recycling for Schools” event. The weight collected 416kg, which raised a massive £208.00. Amazing Effort!

Please can we ask that the Father’s day gift order forms be returned to school by FRIDAY 7th June 2019.

Date for your diaries – Sunday 23rd June 19, Car Boot Sale at school, 9am – 12pm. £5 per boot – Refreshment and Raffle will be available.

If you have any unwanted books at home that you want rid of. Please bring them into school or pass directly to Lianne. Date to be confirmed for the book sale and coffee morning.

Have a great weekend

Mrs Smith


Contact Numbers – Sunset Club ONLY

Dear Parent/Carer

If you need to speak to the member of staff running the afterschool sunset club, please use 01939 290268.


Miss Smith

PTA News – Father’s Day Gifts

Dear Parent/Carer

Order slips will be sent home tonight with your child.

Please can we ask that these be returned to school no later than the 7th June 2019.

Any questions please speak to Lianne Farrow


Mrs Smith

* Missing Jacket *

Dear Parent/Carer

Please can you check your child’s school bag for a Grey & Black, light weight jacket, age 9/10, from Matalan.

Please can it be returned to the school office if found.


Mrs Smith

New School Meals Menu

Dear Parent/Carer

Please find attached the updated school meals menu. Paper copies will be sent home later today.

If you have any questions please speak to Mrs Russell.


Mrs Smith

Updated Menu 7th May 1

School Meals Menu – Adjustment

Dear Parent/Carer

The menu for school meals are being adjusted and we will endeavour to send copies of the adjusted menu home early next week. Mrs Russell will keep you updated until new menu’s are received daily via “Myddle Mum’s Natter” on Facebook.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with school.


Mrs Russell

Star of the Week – 3rd May 2019

Star Pupils

Snow Leopard: Alfie


Tiger: Luca

Rhino: Blake W & Holly T

Jaguar:  Bethany W

Mathematician of the week:  Katheryn

Writer of the week: Cassie

Reader of the week: Leo

Handwriter of the week:  

Winners of Scruffy:  Snow Leopards

A special mention to Heidi MacKechnie who is performing in “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang” at Theatre Severn this week and also Ben Cooke for his Medical Emergency Skills.

Have a great bank holiday and see you on Tuesday!!

Clubs Update – 29th April – 24th May 2019

Dear Parent/Carer

Clubs for this term are:

Thursday – Tennis
Friday – Football

Both clubs finish at 4:15pm.

For your information, the last session of the Wednesday Cookery Club with Mrs Davies was yesterday, 1st May 2019.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact school on 01939 290834


Mrs Smith


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