Lost Property

Dear Parents/Carers

Weather permitting all lost property will be available to view by the pupils entrance Thursday and Friday. If the weather is bad it will be in reception. Please ensure you come and sign in.

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith

Office Closed Today 18/12

Our school office will be closed today. If you need to speak to someone urgently, please contact Baschurch Primary School, where you will be able to speak to Emily. Thank you.

Baschurch Primary – 01939 260443 or admin@baschurch.shropshire.sch.uk

Christmas Jumper Day – 18th Dec

Dear Parent/Carers

It is Christmas Jumper Day tomorrow, Wednesday 18th Dec.

Please can we ask that your child comes to school in their Christmas jumper, if they have one, and wearing the rest of their school uniform. It’s not a full non-uniform day!

Donations of a £1 are welcomed and will be donated to the charity, Save the Children.

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith


Can we ask that all pupils bring an empty carrier bag to school with them before the end of term. We need to empty lockers and trays of their school work/belongings and fill your houses with it!! 🙂

Clubs – 16th December – 20th December

There will only be Tennis Club on Thursday, 19th December, next week. All other clubs will not be taking place.

Sunset/Sunrise clubs will be running but sunset club will be closed on Friday, 20th December.

Apologies for any inconvenience this causes

Celebration Assembly – 13th December

Star Pupils

Snow Leopards: All of Nursery for doing so well in their Nativity

Panda: All of Panda’s for being Super Stars in their Nativity.

Tiger: All of Tigers for their excellent performance in their Nativity.

Rhino: Lucy P

Jaguar:  All of Jaguars for performing to such a high standard in their Christmas performance

Mathematician of the week:  Sophie Co

Writer of the week: Aria W

Reader of the week:  Maisie L

Handwriter of the week: Holly H

Winners of Scruffy:  Tigers

Thank you to Harvey, Reuben, Toby, Dylan T, Alex, Zoe, Isabel R, Bethany W, Ruby, Jessica S, Elizabeth, Holly T, Brooke, Lilly L & Heidi

Well Done to the Indoor Athletics teams who came FIRST!!!!

Well Done Everyone

Christmas Lunch 18th December

Mrs Russell is preparing for the mammoth task of this years Christmas Lunch. To assist her with this, she would like an idea of numbers.

She will be asking pupils on Monday if they plan on ordering a Christmas lunch, please can you assist us by talking about this with your child over the weekend. We only need a Yes or No answer on Monday!

Your assistance would be gratefully appreciated!

Worship Council – letters in bags.

If your child is in year 3, 4 or 5 they will have a letter today asking if they would like to apply to be on our new school Worship Council. We have talked all about it in worship, so they should have a good idea as to whether they would like to apply.

We need about 6 children from each school to be on our new WORSHIP COUNCIL

 Children must be in years 3, 4 or 5

Write a letter to Mrs Williams telling her why you would like to be on the Worship Council and what you can offer.

Deadline: Wednesday 18th December

***** NO YOUTH CLUB TONIGHT (13/12/2019)****

Dear Parent/Carers

For those who attend the local Friday night youth club in the village hall. It is CANCELLED tonight due to illness.

Leaders send their apologises for the short notice.

Mrs Smith

Panda and Snow Leopards – Trip 13th December 2019

Please can the children come to school in their school uniform and also bring a coat, hat and gloves.Part of the activity will be outside so they will need to wrap up warm.

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