Good Morning,
I hope you all had a good weekend and had chance to relax. Right, it’s our last week of home learning, so let’s go for it this week!!
Remember to let me know how you get on and send in photos of your work if you can. I love to see how well you have been doing.
Activity 1:
Reading: The BFG chapter 14
Please read chapter ‘Dreams’ of the BFG and answer the ‘Day 3’ and ‘Day 4’ questions
BFG Text Chapters 11 – 16
Activity 2: English: BFG Writing unit from the Oak Academy
Please use the link below to access the next lesson in the teaching sequence:
Lesson 7 – To practise and apply knowledge of suffixes – past and present tense verbs
Activity 3:
Maths: We are continuing with the unit on Fractions.
Below are links to the white rose video for today’s learning and the corresponding activity sheets to ‘Subtract Fractions’. This is the 3rd video lesson and is a recap unit focusing on subtracting one fraction from another.
Video lesson
Activity 4: Science

Double Page Spread/Poster
Please use this afternoon’s session to present all that you have learnt about electricity over the 6 sessions from the Oak National Academy. This can be in the form of a ‘Double Page Spread or a poster. Use drawings/diagrams and labels to show clearly what you now know.
If you want to have a look back at some of the lessons you studied then they can be accessed by using the link below:
Oak Academy Science Lessons
I would also like you to have a look and vocabulary sheet you completed at the start of this unit. Do you now know the meaning of all the scientific vocabulary? Fill in the final column with a definition for each word.
Key Scientific Vocabulary Sheet
If you are still not sure on what some of the words mean, then why not research them to find out!
Hope you have a good day.