Good Morning,
Hope you all had good day yesterday.
Please remember to send in photos of your work or a list of what has been completed. Many thanks.
Good luck today and do your best!
Activity 1:
Reading: The BFG chapter 11
Please read chapter ‘The Journey to Dream Country’ of the BFG and answer the ‘Day 1’ and ‘Day 2’ questions
BFG Text Chapters 11 – 16
Activity 2: English: Lesson 6 of ‘The Day The Crayons Quit’
Lesson 6:

Today’s double page layout is the same as the previous lesson:

Activity 3:
Maths: This week we are continuing with the unit on Fractions.
Below are links to the white rose video for today’s learning and the corresponding activity sheets for ‘Equivalent Fractions (2)’. This is the first video lesson and is a recap unit from the previous year group.
Video lesson
Recap unit – Equivalent-fractions (2)
Activity 4:
PSHE: It’s good to me!

Today I would like you to celebrate yourself. Draw a self portrait of yourself or use a photograph. Then label or your characteristics and what you feel is unique about you.
You could list:
- Personality/characteristics
- Hobbies//interests
- Family members
- History/significant events
Thank you all and hope you a good day.