X Tables Check – Year 4

The year 4 x times tables check is scheduled to take place this academic year during the summer term, around June time. This will involve all year 4 pupils taking an online x test. The format of the test will be for the children to answer 25 questions in a given time. We will be covering work on this class as well using laptops and ipads to practise a version of the test itself. But it would be really helpful if you could support your children at home to help them learn all their x tables up to 12 x 12.

Click on the link below to access an example of the test to have a practise. There are 6 seconds to answer each question and questions are generated randomly from the 1 to 12 x tables.

Times Tables Check Test

You can also use the Top Marks website to practise x tables with a game called Hit the Button. Here you can choose a x table to practise as well select division to practise x tables using the inverse method. Click on the link below to access.

Hit The Button

The children are also bringing home a x tables poster and x tables work book. They can display the poster at home and use the book to practise x tables as well as record the tricky bits, patterns and top tips to help them remember each x table by heart.

Please encourage your child to practise and learn their x tables as often as possible. As well as helping them with the x tables check it is also such an important life skill.

Below are some useful documents:

Top tips and games

x Tables Poster

9 x Table Hands

3, 4 and 8 Activity Booklet

7 x Table Activity Booklet

Good luck with your learning

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