Star Pupils
Snow Leopard: Alfie
Panda: Megan
Tiger: Esme and SophieY2
Rhino: Merci
Jaguar: Ben
Mathematician of the week: Alex for multiplying using his x2. x3, x5 and x10!
Writer of the week: CharlieP for his fantastic work on Kennings!
Reader of the week: RileyYR
Winners of Scruffy: Panda Class
Head Teacher’s Award (15 x merits): Fin, Katie, HollyT, IzzyY3
Red Star Award (3 x HT awards): RileyYR, SJ, MeganY1
Special Mentions:
Well done to Sarah, James, Peter, Jamie and Jess who all earned 5 Bark Bones!
Well done to MeganY4 who earned her Stage 6 swimming badge!
Well Done to Isaac who earned his 5m swimming badge!
Well done to Daniel and BethanyW for earning their Race for Life medals!
Well done done to EmilyY6, JacobY6, and CharlieY6 who all passed their Level 1 Sailing award at Scouts!
Well done to Rhino Class who won the RAF100 Art Competition!