Welcome Back! The children have settled very well into the new term. Just a reminder that we ask parents to drop off at the pupil entrances and allow their children to put their own things away in their lockers. This ensures there is no congestion in such a small space and the children are being encouraged to be independent. Please prompt your child to place dinner money or any letters/return slips in the relevant boxes in their classrooms.
Clubs: All clubs are well subscribed but we have some spaces. If your child is interested in taking part in an activity club please contact the School office – booking form below.
Schoolgateway: Instructions on accessing our online payment system can be found below. If you are having trouble please contact the School Office.
Tuck Shop: The shop is open every Friday breaktime for just 20p per week. If you would like to pay for a whole term please pop the money in a named envelope. If you have any spare time on a Thursday afternoon and can help with cookery please speak to a member of staff.
Forest School: Children must have their arms and legs covered and will need waterproofs and wellies. Rhinos: if you come in Forest School kit in the morning you will need uniform to change into!
Ukuleles: If you have borrowed one from school could be we please have it back so that we can return it to the Music Service! The children will be learning the flute this term.
Asthma: All children on our records will have received new forms. If your child has an inhaler and you have not received any forms please contact the School Office.
World War II Topic: To support our topic we are hoping to build an Anderson Shelter. If you have any sandbags, metal sheets, turf or an arch structure we can build over please let us know! We aim to take all the children To Cosford Air Museum later in the term.
autumn clubs 2018
term dates 2018-19
Menu – April 2018
Schoolgateway set up