Mathletes: Well done to Reuben and Cassie who took part in a Maths workshop at Oswestry school this week!
Staffing: We are delighted to welcome Mrs Wild to the Myddle Team. She will be joining us as a Teaching Assistant and Lunchtime Supervisor from next week.
Coats: Please remember all children need coats in school every day. Break time is outside unless it is raining and we also walk to church every Thursday.
School Menu: An up to date menu is being sent home today along with a questionnaire for each child. We will be inviting parents to join us for lunch during October – dates to be confirmed.
Headlice: We have had a report of headlice in school. Please check your children and treat accordingly.
Illness: There is a tummy bug doing the rounds. If your child is sick or has diarrhoea they must remain off school for 48 hours from their last bout. This is to prevent the further spread of infection.
PTA: The PTA held their first meeting this week so look out for diary dates and events coming soon including the Apple Fest in October. They are always looking for helpers so do speak to Lianne Farrow or Elaine Downes for more information.
apple fest