Panda Class Monday 20th April 2020

Hello Panda Parents/Carers, I hope you are all well and have had a good Easter break.

Thank you so much for your continued positivity in continuing to support your child’s learning at home. The sunflowers are all doing well and getting quite tall! I will send some pictures on ClassDojo.

I have put together some links for this week’s learning.

There are links to:

How to use the correct letter formation when forming lower case letters. If at all possible, please do all 26 over the next couple of weeks. This uses the Read Write Inc rhymes too which your child will recognise.  I really believe that using the correct letter formation from the start is far easier than having to undo ‘bad habits’ in later years.

Talk for Writing – This is in the form of a booklet which guides children and their adults through guided literacy exercises. This is a great resource and starts with a text and then followed by lots of ‘talk for writing’, so important for early writers.

In Maths this week we are looking at Composition using the Part / Whole Method. (Adding 2 numbers to find the whole/total). To put this in to more context there is a link to The Main Areas of Early Years Maths (From the National Centre for excellence in the teaching of Mathematics) Then there is a link to a YouTube video showing the Part / Whole model for adding.

I hope you have a great week – if you need any help/support at all please do contact me through ClassDojo.

Best wishes

Mandy Turner


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