Panda Class Learning w/c 27th April 2020

Well Pandas, you have all blown me away with your effort and determination!  I can see from your messages and photos on Class Dojo that you have been very busy doing lots of wonderful things, such as: daily phonics lessons, baking, learning to ride a bike, amazing adding and taking away, wonderful writing, planting seeds, bug hunting, painting, making volcanoes, building railways and the list goes on. A huge thank you to you and to the grown-ups who are supporting you to do such amazing things.

This week…

Hungry Little Minds is a good source of information with lots of different ideas for learning through play.  Well worth a look.

On the Hungry little minds site there are lots of Apps which are suggested and look good, particularly:

  • Fonetti

A Listening Bookshop

The App actively listens to children as they read aloud and holds their attention by turning the words green in real-time when they get them right. This interactive experience motivates the child to read more and then rewards them with fun animations, fanfares and badges.  Free for 3 months then is chargeable.

  • Teach your monster to read

This is a game that makes learning to read so much fun.

  • • Covers everything from letters and sounds to reading full sentences.
  • • Designed in collaboration with leading academics.
  • Complements all synthetic phonics programmes used in schools.
  • • Computer version is 100% free.

This week in maths children will hopefully enjoy exploring and learning about repeating patterns.

Children should copy, continue and create their own patterns.  They focus on AB and ABC patterns (Where A, B & C just represent a different item in the pattern).  It is important to provide patterns with at least three full units of repeat. Encourage your child to say the pattern out loud as this will help them identify the part which repeats and supports them to continue the pattern.

If possible, try and provide opportunities to explore pattern in a range of contexts including shape, colours, size, actions and sounds.  Encourage them to build patterns both vertically (this could be with Duplo/Lego) and horizontally.

The link to You Tube below is a really good visual to get children started.

Twinkl has a lot of patterns to download – but if you don’t want to print you could make the pattern out of items around the house and garden.

In English please continue with the Literacy work from last week.  If anyone has finished and needs more then let me know.

Read Write Inc Phonics is still online, daily – I know a lot of you are really enjoying these brilliant online daily lessons and it is fantastic that the children are continuing to practice their letters and sounds. Thank you.

Have a good week learning through play ?  Please message me if I can help with anything.

Mandy Turner

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