Panda Class Learning w/c 18th May 2020

Hi Pandas, I hope you are all well. I really enjoyed playing the ‘Guess the object’ game on our Zoom session on Friday and you were all amazing, asking brilliant questions. Well done!

Thank you for all of the communications over Class Dojo I really enjoy seeing what you have been up to. Last week saw some… very fast running, putting animals and their facts in to alphabetical order in excel, great maths work, lots of reading, gardening, bike riding, baking, a very sparkly blue spider in the spider game, some super writing and a poorly finger!

Following on from last week’s maths- her is a challenge! Still using the First, Then, Now strategy, try changing part of the number story to make it an unknown. This is a good activity to show how much understanding your child has of how the numbers change.
So, first there were 2 frogs on the log.
Then, some more frogs get on
Now there are 4 frogs.
How many frogs joined the group?
Alternatively, you could have an unknown amount at the start.

This week in maths we are looking at doubling. This can be doubling numbers, amounts in a group or doubling of patterns. Resources for doubling can be found below.

Nrich maths resource for doubling.

BBC Numberblocks Series 2 Episode 9 – Double Trouble

Games and activities to support doubling:
Play a doubles game with 2 dice. Roll both dice and see if you get a double – if you do, you score 2 points. The winner is the first person to 10 points.
Make towers or rows with Lego. Can they build towers that are double the length or double the height?
Can they find items around the house or garden to make double patterns?
Play matching snap.

English – finding out about dinosaurs
Can you create a fact file about dinosaurs? Which is your favourite dinosaur? What is it called? What food did they eat? (start to include terminology such as carnivore, herbivore, omnivore) Where did they live? Did it fly? How big was it? Include any interesting facts that you can find!
An interesting fact about a T-Rex is that its tooth is the same size as a banana!! AMAZING!

Below is an example for the ‘Dinosaur fact file’:
‘A diplodocus is my favourite dinosaur – it eats plants, so it is an herbivore. It has a very long neck to reach high up into the trees and has a very long tail. It weighed 12 tonnes which is as much as a large truck.’

Use pictures from the internet and drawings copied from books. Label the parts. Add extra interesting facts. Use text boxes and speech bubbles.

Enjoy the dinosaur links below:

Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs story
The Prehistoric Animal Brigade- Can you copy the dinosaur actions?
The Dinosaur Song

Reading – Lots of reading and listening to stories being read.

Phonics – Ruth Miskin’s Read Write Inc phonics is now extending the home learning until 12th June. There is a full schedule on their You Tube channel. They have also added several poetry activities for Reception age children.

Something completely different…
Live broadcasting from the National Aquarium

Have fun and stay safe
Mandy Turner

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