Panda Class Learning w/c 11th May 2020

Hi Pandas,

it was so lovely to see so many of you on the Panda Zoom session. I will schedule another one for Friday 15th May – I think I’ll set a challenge this time . Keep working hard. You’ve done lots of amazing things and should be very proud of yourselves. I am certainly very proud of you all.

Maths – This week the children use real objects to see that the quantity of a group can be changed by taking items away. Encourage the children to count all the items at the start, take away the required amount practically, and recount to see how many are left.
Use the first, then, now strategy to tell simple maths stories to practise taking away in familiar contexts.

First, there were 5 people on the bus
Then, 2 people got off the bus
Now, there are 3 people on the bus.

Your child could draw and colour a big red bus with windows – then place ‘people’ on/off the bus.

Other stories that involve numbers changing by adding or taking away are:
Kipper’s Toy Box by Mick Inkpen 

Incey Wincey Spider game (a lovely home – made game that you could recreate at home)

Maths songs – encourage your child to adapt and re-enact favourite rhymes such as 10 Green Bottles by making 1,2 or 3 fall each time. Similarly, they could have 10 Currant Buns and choose to buy 1,2, or 3 buns each time. Prompt them to say how many are left each time.

Hidden items game – Count out five cubes (any small item will work) Get your child to check that there are 5 objects so everyone knows there are 5. Cover the cubes with a cloth, check that your child is happy that there are still 5 under the cloth. Then, as they watch, take 2 cubes from under the cloth. Ask how many cubes there are now. Encourage them to tell you the First, Then, Now story.

BBC Numberblocks Series 5: Episode 2 ‘On your Head’ and Episode 14 ‘I can count to Twenty’ are good to re-enforce the concepts and numbers.


Reading  Lots of reading and listening to stories being read.
This is a link to Story Time from Ruth Miskin Read Write Inc.

Writing  In writing this week encourage your child to think of things they like and then say the sentence out loud several times. Then say the sentence out loud and hold a finger up for every word. How many words in the sentence? Then begin to write the sentence saying it as they go along. So, for example: ‘I like walking in the park.’ The link below has some sheets to print off or you could write on plain paper, chalk on the path, painting, anything at all that can record the sentence. Encourage good letter formation and spaces between words.

Phonics  These are brilliant free resources that will really support your child’s phonic knowledge – I definitely recommend watching them. This is an online booklet for sets 2 and 3 speed sounds from RWI phonics.  This is a Ruth Miskin Speed Sounds lesson schedule, it runs to 19th May at the moment.

The link below gives lots of creative ideas for a variety of activities.

Have a good week.
Mandy Turner

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