Good Morning everyone,
over the next few days I will be publishing lessons and links to on-line learning. I am aiming to carry on with the planned lessons we would be doing in school, but in a different format.
I will draw up a home learning timetable, including Maths, Reading, English and topic based work. I will schedule some zoom sessions too.
From today Read Write Inc are offering live Phonics lessons via YouTube (when I know more about the content of them I will be able to issue guidance as to which set of letters you could follow). The lessons will be available on-line for 24 hours.
White Rose maths are offering home learning and videos to follow, to support the children’s learning. Again, I will look through these and try and fill the gaps/offer support when and where needed.
It’s early days in terms of putting all this together, but I will keep you posted on line and on Class Dojo.
I will be putting new exercise books in the school entrance for children to use at home for their work. If you could follow the usual guidance about safe distancing please.
Thank you so much for your support.
Best wishes, stay safe,
Mandy Turner