Panda Class Home Learning Wednesday 6th January

6th January Briefing

Good Morning,

Here is the plan for Wednesday 6th January.

These plans are flexible, in the sense that you can do the tasks whenever suits you, within the day/week.  I appreciate there will be time constraints and work commitments for parents and other siblings at home too.

Joe Wicks is doing his wonderful PE sessions again, on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday, so we will be tuning in to those in class.

Phonics – Live Lessons.  Start at the beginning of the set and work through a sound per day as per the Read Write Inc schedule.

Maths – White Rose Maths Spring Week 1   For Year 1.  As yet they don’t seem to be offering a worksheet so I will create some today and post them on the school website and on DoJo.   For Reception. Starting with Alive in 5! Lesson 1.  For this, White Rose are offering a PDF work sheet for you to download.  Further work here could be counting games – counting backwards and forwards.  Matching numerals to items.  Comparing numbers – ‘I have 5 apples and you have 3 carrots, who has more, who has fewer?’  Writing numbers to 10 would be a great activity too.

Reading – Any reading books from home or school. Magazines, newspapers and any environmental print around the home.  I have added 28 Ditty Sheets from RWI, they are designed for your child to work through, looking at sounds and blending words for reading, then reading the sentences.  They also have ‘red’ words which cannot be sounded out; they just need to be learnt by sight.   Reception & Year 1 Please complete one of these per day

WritingReception forming letters carefully.  I would match the schedule of RWI for the order of the letters.  Can you write some words you know?  Your name? Your family names?

Year 1  The Queen’s Hat by Steve Antony, then complete the questions; writing in full sentences with finger spaces, capitals and full stops.  Don’t forget super letter formation; make sure its neat.

Questions: Who is the Queen?

Where does she live?

What is her home called?

Can you find any other facts out about the Queen?

This half term in art we are having a look at creating patterns. Then we will progress to making patterns out of everyday objects. And finally, the messy part, we will be printing with everyday objects, such as Lego, leaves, toy car wheels and anything else around your home.

This link shows how to get started with some simple pattern making.

Week 1

Story books about patterns.

If there is anything that needs clarification please do ask.  This is very much work in progress and we are finding our feet and seeing what works best for all.  Please can children complete their work in a book, with each activity dated.  We are creating history here, so it’ll be great to have a book of amazing work to be really proud of.

Take care,

Best wishes.

Mandy Turner

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