Hi Pandas,

We have a new Panda in class!!
He is a little bit nervous at the moment and he doesn’t have a name. Do you think you could think of a name for him? Message me on Class Dojo and I will put all the suggestions in a bag, and pull one out! We’ve had some great suggestions so far. I think he will feel better when he has a nice name.
He is beginning to explore the classroom, I will take photos of him and show you what he gets up to. He’s really looking forward to meeting you all!
For today:
Carry on with Ruth Miskin’s Live Phonics lessons.
Also, have a go at blending some sounds to read the words.
Year 1 – Carry on with the spelling booklet; don’t forget, you may not know them all yet, but with lots of practice you will get better and better at spelling the words.
Reception – This is the Read Write Inc list of spellings for Reception (Year 1, check you know these words too – reading and spelling). Read the words in set 1 and see if your child can spell any. Work on them if they are not known yet. When set 1 are done, move on to set 2.
RWI red-word-list-
Maths – Year 1
The next step is to be able to add different lengths together.
Comparing length with Connor the caterpillar.
EYFS measuring-caterpillar-lengths-maths-activity
English – All Pandas
You recognised lots of different emotions in our story – The Dot, well done.
Today we have got a comprehension activity, to check understanding of the story.
Go through the booklet, this can be done on the screen, if you don’t want to print it out. Verbal feedback is fine – chat with your child about the question and the possible answers; let them have some thinking time and then choose the correct answer.
Enjoy this non-fiction book about Pandas.
Geography – What is an Ocean? Where are they? Are they all the same? What are they called? Do you remember what the Continents are called and where they are? Watch this PowerPoint and complete the World jigsaw!
Don’t forget to think of some questions for Road Safety Ray, who is joining us for a Zoom Road Safety meeting on Friday at 11am.
Have a great Wednesday!
Mandy Turner