Panda Class Home Learning Tuesday 23rd February

Hi Pandas,

I was pleased to see the Phonics was back online this morning; they are continuing with Home Learning lessons, so that’s great.  Keep at it, they are such a wonderful resource to be able to access.


Year 1.  Continue with measuring with work sheet number 2 ‘Measuring Length 2’.  Yesterday’s work raised some interesting questions about non-standard units of measurement, and how, if the method of measuring is different, then even though two items may measure 4 units long – if the measurement method changes then they may not be the same length. See questions 2 and 3 from Monday’s work to check. It raised a lot of discussion in school – even with 2 children!


Reception – How did the Home Measuring Challenge go?

More measuring today. See how you get on comparing height.


English – All Pandas

Have a look through the story of The Dot again 

Find the list of emotions from yesterday’s work – Can you find new words that mean the same as the ones you chose yesterday? For example, here in class, we said that at the beginning Vishti was/looked  angry – another word for angry is cross.

Angry – Cross, and so on…

Then can you think of a colour that matches that emotion? I think we may choose red for the start where she seems angry. You could colour over the words in colours of your choice, to match the emotions.


Have a go at this feelings worksheet.



Continue with your spellings.  See yesterday’s spelling booklet.

Here is a link to having opportunities to practice your handwriting.


History – All Pandas

We are looking at the life of Neil Armstrong, this half term.  Key question::  Was Neil Armstrong an explorer, like Christopher Columbus?  Discuss what you think.

Watch the PowerPoint and then complete the time line.  There are a few time line formats to choose from, use the one that suits your child. Reception, you may want to use the pictures, to order the events of his life. Year 1 you may want to choose to do some writing – aim high!  Would you like to be an astronaut?

Neil Armstrong PowerPoint

Neil Armstrong Timeline Activity Sheet


How are you getting on with reading?  There are lots of books available online and I can put new books in the reception area for those of you who pass by school. Just let me know, and I can sort some out.

Enjoy this story, one of my favourites.. Whatever next? by Jill Murphy 

Have a great Tuesday,

Mandy Turner



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