Hi Pandas,
Have you got your questions ready for our Road Safety Zoom on Friday? Road Safety Ray is looking forward to talking to you.
Our new class member, Panda is settling in well. He is having a good look around.
Phonics – follow your schedule.
English – All Pandas This can be done over 2 days.
Our text is Ruby’s Worry by Tom Percival
Reading aloud and key talking points:
Before you begin to read, look at the front cover and read the title of the book. Ask the children what they think they might already know about the girl on the cover. What do they think might happen in her story?
Read aloud up to ‘Ruby was perfectly happy.’ hiding the final sentence ‘Until one day…’. Think together about the things that make Ruby happy. What do they have in common with Ruby? What makes them happy?
Continue to read aloud to ‘…she was worrying about it!’ Do they think Ruby is doing the right thing? What do they think Ruby should do about her worry?
Read on up to ‘…she would never feel happy again.’ Pause to consider what Ruby says here. Do they have any ideas for how to make Ruby happy again?
Continue reading on to ‘Could it be a worry?’ How do they think Ruby feels when she sees the boy? What do they think she might be thinking?
Read to the end of the book. How did Ruby get rid of her worry in the end? What do you think she learnt about being worried?
After reading, encourage the children to tell you what they liked about the book. Was there anything they disliked?
What did it make them think about? Do they have any worries of their own?
Do they have any questions about the book? How did it make them feel? Has there ever been a time where anything like this has ever happened to them or to someone else they know?
Maths – Year 1
Y1-Spring-Block-3-WO-Subtracting-lengths-2020 (1)
The Animal Kingdom – In this lesson, we are going to be learning about 2 different families of animals which are vertebrates. Vertebrates are animals which have a backbone inside their body. The major animal families include fish, amphibians, birds and mammals. Today we will be focusing on the differences between mammals and birds.
Enjoy this story of The Rumble in the Jungle.
Have a great Thursday.
Mandy Turner