Panda Class Home Learning Friday 8th January

Home Learning work for Friday 8th January 2021

Hello to all of our wonderful Pandas!

What a week!

I have to start by saying you are all amazing. I have been so amazed with all the hard work and effort that has been put in this week.  Everyone at home and the Panda Team here in school have had to pick up the pieces and run with a new way of working, with just a few hours of notice.  Panda Team work!

Although the expectation from the Government is for parents to home teach for at least 3 hours a day, please don’t beat yourself up if this is simply not achievable; everyone’s circumstances are different.  Parents are also expected to work from home and many families have more than 1 child to attend to. I would say, try and fit in Writing, Phonics, Maths & Reading, then, if there is opportunity, do the foundation subjects set.

Today’s Learning (8th Jan)

Our story today is The Wish Tree by Kyo Maclear

After reading/listening to the story the task is to discuss and decide what your wishes are. You could wish for something for yourself or someone else or even a wish for the World! Discuss what that wish means to you then write the wish down (Year 1 super letter formation, finger spaces please – Reception, as we are learning to give meanings to the marks we make, have a go at forming the letters correctly and write your wish with some help from a grown up.) You could use coloured paper and then hang your wishes up with colourful ribbon.


Reception are on SET 1 Read Write Inc sounds. Use the link given earlier in the week.

The live lessons from Read Write Inc are an amazing resource so please do use them if at all possible.

There are lots of websites available to practise phonics so I have added some links for you to have a look. They don’t all follow the sequence of RWI, but the letters and sounds are still the same.

Https:// Click ‘Skip Add’ when it first starts.

Https:// Tricky words to learn to read – I no the to into go

Year 1   Set 2 & 3 (Let me know if you don’t know which set your child is in)

Again, as with Reception check out the schedule and tune in to the live lessons. Work through the sounds at your pace.  Let me know if you need more specific guidance.

Reading  Please continue with books from home & stories online. Also, keep working through the Ditty Sheets which are a good way of recapping sounds and reading the Red (tricky) and Green (can be sounded out and blend to read) words.


Year 1

Subtraction – not crossing 10.  Use the work sheet first then you could create activities for your child around subtraction, using objects for them to use practically when taking away. For example, I have 18 grapes and Dad comes in and eats 7 of them how many will be left?

Y1-Spring-Block-1-WO-Add-ones-using-number-bonds-2020  Although this appears from the title to be adding it is actually subtraction.


Recognising and ordering numbers to 10.  Use the sheet and cut out the numbers, talk about which numbers your child recognises and see which ones they need to recognise.  Ask your child to stick them in to the correct order on the number line.


Sing lots of counting rhymes: 1,2,3,4,5 Once I caught a fish alive!

5 Current buns in a bakers shop

10 Green bottles

Books list:

None the number by Oliver Jeffers

Zero is the leaves on the tree by Betsy Franco

A squash and a squeeze by Julia Donaldson

I spy numbers by Jean Marzello

I will be scheduling Zoom sessions too.  I will send a link via Class DoJo. It would be lovely to see you all and to let the children all see each other again.  If you have any queries please let me know and I will try and help out. It’s difficult to know how much work is needed, but if you need more please let me know and I can add to it.

Have a super weekend and take care.

Mandy Turner

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