Hi Pandas,
it’s the last day of Home Learning! Hooray!!!
You have all done so well, you should feel very proud of yourselves for all of your hard work! A huge thank you to all of the grown ups too that have had such an enormous task to make it all happen.
We are all set for next week, to welcome you back; with lots of fun activities.
For today, Friday – use this day to catch up or take it easy.
Don’t forget to do some yoga with Cosmic Kids, or PE with Mr Wright or Joe Wickes.
Enjoy more great stories. You could try making up and writing a story of your own. Think about some amazing characters; do they have any super powers? What do they look like?
Here’s one of my favourites.
You could plan a teddy bear’s picnic and plan a menu.
What would you make them to eat? You could draw your picnic food on a plate and label it.
Why not colour by numbers
Or a crossword…
Or if you want a real challenge a Teddy Bears Picnic Sudoku!
Have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend.
Remember for next week, winter uniform please, as we have to have the windows and doors open for ventilation. Jumpers and cardigans will be needed too and a winters coat. Come in your PE kits (with gloves and hats if it’s cold) on a Wednesday and Friday.
Best wishes
Mandy Turner