Hi Pandas,
How are you all?
I hope you have had a great half term break. It will be lovely to hear all of your news.
Here is the learning for today.
9.00 Worship with Mrs Williams – Link as before on Class Dojo.
PE with Joe Wicks or our own Mr Wright with TWWG ‘Move’ schedule.
Phonics – Ruth Miskin Live Lessons for Set 1,2 & 3 schedule.
Carry on with your set’s schedule each day.
I have added a sheet with all of the sounds in each set.
Maths Year 1
We are looking at length and height for a couple of weeks – measuring, comparing length and height, using standard and non-standard units of measurement and adding/subtracting length problems. NOTE: When asked to measure items in the classroom – do these activities in your home instead.
Record your measuring activities in your books – what did you measure? What did you use to measure with, a ruler or a non-standard unit, such as a tin of beans? If you have any cubes, you can also measure with them.
Reception – We are learning to measure and compare heights and lengths.
You could use your hands or a shoe to measure the length of a piece of furniture, each other or a room. Enjoy the challenges.
Year 1 – There are a group of words which are called Common Exception Words (CEWs). These are words which cannot be sounded out in order to read/spell them – they just have to be memorised. I have attached a booklet for CEWs for you to work through over the next couple of weeks; there are a variety of games and activities. Check out which words your child knows, and which ones they still need to learn.
Reception – These are the ‘Red’ or Tricky Common Exception words for you to read and have a go at spelling, starting with Set 1.
RWI red-word-list-
English – All Pandas – Recognising and discussing emotions

Our text is The Dot by Peter H Reynolds, a super story which links nicely to self-esteem, having a go and making mistakes.
Revisit the story lots of times and discuss the feelings that Vashti is experiencing (look at the pictures for clues as well as the words in the story) – make a list of each of the feelings as you go through the book. Don’t forget, you are wonderful word collectors Pandas – you can do it. Write your final list AND draw the emotions too on little faces. Record this in your books.
How do her feelings and posture change as the story (and dots) progress? Why is this? Talk about how your child would feel if they had a piece of art work framed. Keep the list/drawings of feelings safe they are needed tomorrow.
Try making these feelings face masks – can you name each emotion?
Time for a rest – enjoy this Story with Biff, Chip and Kipper.
Art – All Pandas
We are going to use our story, The Dot, to inspire us and get us started on our artist study for this half term.
Watch this PowerPoint to get you started; we are looking at Wassily Kandinsky. Follow the PowerPoint to find out more about him and to get started on our art topic. Have fun!
I will leave some paper in the front reception area – let me know if you need any crayons etc.
Have a lovely day.
Mandy Turner