Welcome to a brand new week, and the final week of home learning (hopefully forever this time). As it is Monday, Mrs Williams’ live Zoom worship can be found on the link below.
Meeting ID: 836 0133 7035
Passcode: 9QXBCp
Here’s the Review of the Day from Friday for anybody who hasn’t already seen it.
English – For the next two weeks, we are going to be studying ‘INSTRUCTION TEXTS’ in English. Today, you are going to learn / recap on the features of an instruction text and then complete a comprehension task based on this.
English Lesson – Monday 1st March 2021
Video links to watch:
English instruction texts for activity:
Maths Y5s – This week, you are going to focus on multiplying fractions by a whole number (an integer).
Maths Y6s – This week, you are going to be focusing on measurements, including understanding different units of measurement.
Reading Y5s – Arctic Hero
Reading Y6s – Race to the Frozen North
Topic (Frozen Planet): Today, we are going to be learning about Climate Change, and the impact that we are currently having on the polar regions. This will be an important session in preparation for World Book Day on Thursday.
Topic – Lesson 7 – Climate Change
Video links to watch first:
Have a hard working, focused day. You had an easy day last Friday but there’s lots of effort and high quality thinking required for today.
Mr Hughes