Welcome to Friday morning.
Here’s the link below for this morning’s Zoom meeting. If you would like to play the game of ‘Socks or No Socks’, then you decide at home whether you are going to have socks on or be bare footed. I will explain the rules when we are at the meeting.
Meeting ID: 915 8168 3721
Passcode: D6zjPv
Here’s yesterday’s Review of the Day….Well done to everybkody who worked hard at home yesterday.
Maths: Y5s: Recapping Fractions – Work through the practise questions first before then having a go on your own, starting with question 1.
Y6s – Kahoot algebra 20 question quiz. You may need a white board available to make any jottings.
Heidi, Alissa, Lucy, Katie, Izzy, Nelly, Amy, Cameron
Y6s – Kahoot algebra 20 question quiz. You will need a white board available to make any jottings.
Zoe, Nia, Isla, Isobel, Rhys, Jacob, Daniel, Sophie, Holly H and Holly T
The rest of the day is……FREE FRIDAY!
Please catch up on any of the English / Maths / RE / Science / Topic / Spanish / Computing / PE that you’ve not already completed this week.
I’ve attached your maths / reading / spelling homework for this week on the school website underneath the Jaguar class page. The reading shall be a two-week homework so it should be completed by the time the children return to class on the 8th March.
Take the opportunity today to be practical by doing some gardening, cooking, building, helping out with jobs around the house/farm, etc….
We’d love to see some photographs of you fo the children who are in the classroom so please send them when you can.
Have a good day and rest of the weekend.
Mr Hughes