Pupil Premium strategy 2022 2023 Myddle
Pupil Premium & recovery strategy 2021 2022 Myddle
PP statement Myddle 2020 2021
PPG expenditure 2019-20 Myddle – including outcomes from 2018/19 data.
The Pupil Premium is allocated to schools with pupils on roll that known to have been eligible for free school meals (FSM) at any time in the last six years (£1345); that are children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months (£2345); or that are children of service personnel (£310). Schools have the freedom to spend the Premium, which is additional to the underlying schools budget, in a way they think will best support the raising of attainment for the most vulnerable pupils.
The Pupil Premium funding that is received by our school is used in a variety of ways in order to improve pupil attainment and to help overcome barriers to learning. We strive to ensure that all children who are entitled to pupil premium grant make more than expected progress in Reading, Writing and Maths, each school year. As with all children at Myddle C.E. Primary, to ensure maximum impact, the needs of children entitled to the Pupil Premium are clearly identified, steps are taken to meet their individual needs and their progress is closely monitored throughout their time in our school. Teachers track the children’s progress and evaluate the impact of the spending. Adjustments are made where necessary to meet the needs of the individual children.
The targeted and strategic use of Pupil Premium will support us in achieving our vision. In using the Premium at Myddle, we will adhere to the following principles:
- We will ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all the pupils.
- We will ensure that appropriate provision is made for pupils who belong to vulnerable groups. This includes ensuring that the needs of these pupils are adequately assessed and addressed.
- In making provision for socially disadvantaged pupils, we recognise that not all pupils who receive free school meals with be socially disadvantaged.
- We also recognise that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged are registered or qualify for free school meals. We reserve the right to allocate the Pupil Premium funding to support any pupil or group of pupils the school has legitimately identified as being socially disadvantaged.
- Pupil Premium funding will be allocated following a needs analysis, which will identify priority classes, groups or individuals. Limited funding and resources means that not all children receiving free school meals will be in receipt of Pupil Premium intervention at one time.
Pupil Premium will be used within school to provide additional educational opportunities ranging from additional support, external services, music tuition, extra-curricular activities and support for educational visit attendance in order to meet the above principles.
- Our Service Premium Grant will be used to ensure the children always have access to a Learning Mentor or nurture group as needed.