COVID – 19 Update

Sadly we have three staff member and a couple of children who have got COVID-19 at the moment. We are within touching distance of the Summer holidays, which we are all very ready for, can we ask that if your child has a temperature, feels unwell or shows any symptoms of COVID-19, that your keep them at home.  We know that with our school trip on Monday, this would be disappointing, but we hope you can appreciate that a long coach journey would not be an ideal environment for an ill child and could potentially spread it considerably. We would ask that for the wider school, our community, the vulnerable & grandparents etc, you keep your child at home. We thank you for your support with this.

What to do:

Government guidance in relation to children is for them to be off school for 3 days. We would ask that you allow Day 0 to be the day they started feeling unwell or if you still have testing kits available, the day they tested positive THEN keep them off for the three following days.

For Example:

Tested Positive Today       Remained at home for 3 days            Return to School
Became unwell                                                                            Only if they feel well and don’t have a temperature
8th July                                9th, 10th & 11th                             12th July

Day 0                                     Days 1,2 & 3                                  Day 4


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