Planting Sunflower Seeds

This afternoon, we have had great fun planting sunflower seeds!

Over the next few weeks, we are going to carry out an experiment to see what our sunflower seeds need to grow. We have put some of our pots in a dark place with no water, some in the sunlight but with no water and the rest in the sunlight with water. We have made our predictions of which sunflower we think will grow the most.

Weston Park – WELLIES

Dear Parents/Carers

Please can we ask that all pupils attending the above trip to Weston Park tomorrow  bring their wellies with them to school in the morning.

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith

Payment Reminder – Weston Park

Dear Parent/Carer

Please can all outstanding payments for the above trip be made to school by the end of the school day today, Monday 24th June 2019.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to give the school office a call on 01939 290834

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith

POLITE REMINDER – Weston Park Trip

Dear Parents/Carers

Please can reply slips and monies for the above trip be returned to school tomorrow (20th June 2019).

If you have any questions or need another letter please speak to Mrs Smith, School Office

Many Thanks


Born in a Barn

A huge well done to all of Panda and Tiger class for performing such a fantastic Christmas play! They have all worked so hard and they were AMAZING!!