Y1&2 Tiger class PE

Y1&2 Tiger class have been developing their ‘fundamentals’ and ‘fitness’ in PE on Fridays.

Summer Reading Challenge 2024


This year’s Challenge theme, Marvellous Makers, is all about creativity. From dance to drawing, junk modelling to music, there’s something for everyone! Children will be able to find new reads linked to their favourite creative arts, and access free activities at the library.

Children can take part for FREE, either at the library OR online:

You can sign up at your local library and take part in person. A librarian will give you a special collector folder and help you find books to read. You’ll collect special stickers and rewards for your reading.
You can take part online by signing up via the link below, on the official Challenge website. You’ll set up a profile with a reading goal and log your books. When you reach your goal, you will unlock a virtual badge and certificate.

Please note, the in-person and online Challenges are separate. Physical incentives like medals are only available via the library, for those taking part in the in-person Challenge.


Geography lessons


Tigers (Y1 & Y2) have been showing off their new Atlas skills during our Geography lessons this week.

Number Day

Today, children took part in Number Day.

All the children were placed in their sport’s day houses for the day and rotated around four different maths related activities in each class.

In Panda Class, children learnt how to complete Sudoku puzzles using colour and shapes to help their understanding, while in Tiger Class they played bingo and used the laptops to access x tables rock stars to work on their x tables. In Rhino class, they played board games to work on their number skills and calculations and in Jaguar Class, children played games including a musical chairs style fitness activity involving number as well as calculation games using positive and negative numbers.

It was a great day and it was so nice to see our older children being able to support and encourage our younger children. We would definitely like to do something like this again. Thank you to all staff and teaching assistants for helping to organise such a successful day.

Thank you also to all parents for helping the children dress so creatively. I think the children have had a great day!


Gymnastics – Tiger class

The pupils in Tiger class were developing their balances in gymnastics today. They were working on developing poise, accuracy and body position.

Extra Tickets – Panda & Tiger Performance

All performance tickets that have been paid for will be coming home tonight with your child. Look out for a brown envelope!!

Please double check the tickets you have received carefully. You should only have received the amount of tickets that you have paid for on School Gateway.

IF you returned a slip asking for extra tickets when they were made available, you have been added to a new payment in gateway named “Panda & Tiger EXTRA Tickets”. Please access this and purchase the extra tickets you requested.

These  tickets will be issued once payment has been received,  and priority given to the time/date of each transaction until the tickets are all gone.

If you cant see this EXTRA Tickets payment please drop Mrs Smith an email on admin@myddle.shropshire.sch.uk



Carol Concert at Myddle Church 11th Dec 6-6:45pm- singers needed from Tiger Class

Myddle School pupils have been invited to sing at a concert in Myddle Church on 11th December being held by The Phoenix Singers Choir of Shrewsbury.

‘A Christmas concert featuring settings of O magnum mysterium by several composers interspersed with popular carols for choir and audience. With pupils from Myddle Primary School.’

All the children have been learning carols with Mrs White during music, so any of them are welcome to attend and form a choir for the evening, where I believe we will sing one or two before the Phoenix Singers.

Children would need to arrive at the church for 5:45 for a 6pm start, wearing school uniform (and little tinsel if they wish).

If you want to stay and watch the concert, it sounds like a lovely program, with carols for the audience to join in with. It is a ticketed event to raise money for our church and they can be purchased from the Phoenix Singers directly. I believe they are offering a discount to Myddle parents, so please ask about this when you contact them. We would like to invite pupils from Tiger Class to this event . Letters will be sent home on Monday, 4th December, with full details and consent slip to return.

Many thanks

The Gunpowder Plot

We have now finished our first History Topic – The Gunpowder Plot – with an excellent re-enactment of the main events. It was very good!

From next week, we will move on to our next Topic: a much more light-hearted “Toys through History”, which will link nicely with the upcoming festive season.