
Friday 11th November, 2022

Reminder – School Photo’s – Monday 14th November

Please remember that the children will be having their school photo’s taken on Monday 14th November.

If parents have younger siblings who would like to be included in family group pictures please bring them to the reception area for 9am.

Thursday 10th November, 2022

Y4,5 and 6 football matches

Well done to the 8 pupils in Y4, 5 and 6 who represented Myddle in two football games after school today. They played some great football and developed in confidence and organisation as the games progressed, with 1-0 and 3-1 victories.

May be an image of 8 people, people standing and outdoors

Thursday 10th November, 2022

Final Order for Christmas Cards

Please can all orders for Christmas Cards be made by the of the day on Friday 11th November.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to give Mrs Smith a call on 01939 290834

Friday 4th November, 2022

Y6 Sports Leaders / House captains Pro Tennis day at The Shrewsbury Club

The children really enjoyed the morning activities and watching the two professional female players take part in the quarter finals of the tennis tournament today.


Friday 4th November, 2022

Y6 Jaguar class – Remembrance Day preparations

The children in Jaguar class have been preparing for next Friday’s Remembrance Day church service by creating poppies.

Friday 4th November, 2022

School & PTA volunteering morning!!

We are holding a volunteering morning in school, where we can look at creating a gardening area on the field. The plan is for it to take place on Saturday, 12th November, 10am until 12pm. If we are able and have a few volunteers, we could also perhaps have a pruning session and a tidy up??

If you have any gardening equipment, trowels, small forks etc, or compost at home that you no longer need, these would be a great help to get this area up and running.

Mrs Turner will be leading this adventure so please pop and have a chat with her if you have any questions.

Thank you in advance.

Friday 4th November, 2022

Celebration Assembly – 4th November

Star of the Week :

Jaguar -Abi
Rhino -Sarah
Tiger – Oliver
Panda -Lilly
Snow Leopards – Ottilie

Mathematician of the Week: Ryan, Peter, Florence & Logan

Reader of the Week: Emily P, Francesca, Olivia PN, Ava Lo

Writer of the Week: Jess, Ruby D, Issy & Tabitha M

Handwriters of the Week: Charley, Riley & Grace P

Sports Star of the Week: Luca, Dylan W, Aria & Olivia H


Friday 4th November, 2022

Children in Need 2022 – Friday 18th November

Children in Need is approaching and the Yr.6 Fund Raising committee have been busy coming up with ideas for the day!

On the day your child can come to school dressed up in the letter of their name ie Rachel will wear Red. Alternatively they can come dressed up in spotty clothing. If you can make sure that whatever they arrive in, they are wearing their trainers for PE. Donations of £1 can be made via the just giving page below:


Our amazing Yr.6’s will be doing a guess how many sweets in the Jar, this will be 50p a go. They will also be doing a colouring competition. It will be a fun day for the children so parents/carers it now over to you to get your “dress up” thinking caps on!!