
Saturday 15th December, 2018

Half Marathon Challenge

It has been great to see the response for the number of children who shall be taking part in the half marathon challenge later in the academic year. So far, we have over 40 children who have paid their entry fee of £6. This Friday 21st December is the final day for any further entries, as names and numbers have to be submitted to the organisers on this date.

Saturday 15th December, 2018

Spring Half Term 1 Extra-curricular sports clubs

Here are the details regarding sports clubs that will be happening during Spring Half Term 1. Letters regarding these clubs will be distributed next week. Please be quick with your reply slips as we would like to have numbers/names confirmed by the end of next week.

Mondays – Archery 3:15 – 4:15pm (Daniel Woodvine) Y3-6 Maximum of 15 pupils

Wednesdays – Change 4 Life / Gymnastics club (Mr Hughes & Miss Wenlock) for selected pupils only.

Thursdays – Tennis club (Ollie Gwilt) Y1-Y6

Fridays – Girls Football club (Johnny Hughes) lunchtime / Boys football club – after school

Saturday 15th December, 2018

Y5&6 Boys football matches

Here are the scheduled dates of Y5&6 boys football matches upcoming in the Spring Term. As some of these are away, we would need help to transport the children to these events. Matches will be played ideally on a Thursday, however, some schools may wish to reschedule to a different day during that week so these dates are not confirmed.

Letters regarding each match will be sent out in the week before the game to the parents of the children who have been chosen to play in that particular fixture with details of dates / times, etc…..

Thursday 17th January – Myddle CE v Hugo Meynell

Thursday 31st January – Whitchurch CE v Myddle CE

Thursday 14th February – Myddle CE v Admore

Thursday 28th February – MDJS v Myddle CE

Thursday 14th March – Longlands v Myddle CE

Thursday 28th March – St Mary’s Shawbury V Myddle CE

Thursday 25th April – Hugo Meynell v Myddle CE

Thursday 9th May – Myddle CE v Whitchurch

Thursday 23rd May – Addmore v Myddle CE

Thursday 6th June – Myddle CE v MDJS

Thursday 20th June – Myddle CE v Longlands

Thursday 4th July – Myddle CE v St Mary’s Shawbury


Friday 14th December, 2018

Celebration Assembly December 2018

Congratulations to our fantastic cup winners this half term. It was lovely to read how hard you have worked, how kind you have been and how motivated and happy you are at school. Well done. 

Friday 14th December, 2018

Myddle Nursery Performance 2018

It was a pleasure to watch our fantastic Snow Leopards this week in their nativity play. Many thanks to the 40 parents, grandparents and supporters that came to watch. We hope you enjoy the video of this special time, which can be found here on the school website.


Thursday 13th December, 2018

Panda and Tiger Performance – Tuesday 18th December

Due to staff shortages we have been unable to print tickets for the KS1 Performance on Tuesday. Please be assured that we have made a record of every ticket that has been ordered and made a register of how many have been allocated to each child so you can be ticked in as you arrive.

All extra tickets requested before today have been allocated a space, however the performance is now almost full. We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday and thank you for your patience.

Thursday 13th December, 2018

Design A Medal Competition

Just a reminder that all ‘Design A Medal’ entries must be returned to school by tomorrow, Friday 14th December.  Thank you.

Thursday 13th December, 2018

Celebration Assembly & Christmas Jumper Day – 14/12

Just a reminder of two events which will be taking place tomorrow, Friday 14th December. 

Firstly, it is Christmas Jumper Day! Children can come to school in their favourite Christmas jumpers for a minimum donation of 50p. Children should wear full school uniform with their Christmas jumper replacing their school sweatshirt/cardigan.  If your child does not wish to wear a Christmas jumper, normal school uniform must be worn. All proceeds will go to Save the Children.

It is also our Celebration Assembly tomorrow at 9.10am. If your child is receiving an award you will have already been notified via email, but all parents are welcome to join us.  We look forward to seeing you there.

Thursday 13th December, 2018

Non-Uniform Day and Party Food! 21/12

We will be having a non-uniform day on the last day of term, Friday 21st December.

On this day we will also be having a party-style lunch, so would like children to bring in some party food!  There is a list up in school of some of the things we would like children to bring.

If you have any questions, please contact the school office. Thank you for your continued support.

Thursday 13th December, 2018

No Clubs Next Week

There will be no After School Clubs running next week, apart from Sunset Club.

However, there will be no Sunset Club on Friday 21st December.