
Wednesday 13th February, 2019


Firstly, we would like to thank parents for supporting school by not parking opposite or at the end of the lay-by outside of school, as mentioned in a previous post.

Please could we also remind parents that parking is not permitted in the school staff car park.  This includes dropping off at/picking up from Sunrise/Sunset club. The car park gate should also not be blocked at any time. Please use the parking bay outside the staff car park being mindful that staff will be arriving or use the lay-by.

Thank you for your continued support.

Wednesday 13th February, 2019

Half Term

Reminder that it is Half Term next week (Monday 18th February – Friday 22nd February).  Children will return to school on Monday 25th February.  There are no PD Days this term.

Wednesday 13th February, 2019

Y5 Languages Taster Day

Reminder that Year 5 will be attending a Languages Taster Day at The Corbet School this Friday 15th February.  Children will need to wear full school uniform and will need to bring a packed lunch.

Please ensure that all permission slips are returned to school as soon as possible.  Thank you.

Wednesday 13th February, 2019

PTA Uniform Sale

Our PTA will be holding a second-hand uniform sale, here at school on Thursday 11th April at 3.00pm.  Any donations of uniform, both with or without the school logo, will be gratefully received.  Thank you.

Wednesday 13th February, 2019

Lunch Menu Change – Thursday and Friday

There will be a slight change to the lunch menu this week, on Thursday and Friday.  The menus will be as follows –

Thursday 14th February

Cheese Pizza (V)

Chicken Fillet

Veg Sausage (suitable for dairy free)

There will be no cold wraps or jacket potatoes available. 


Friday 15th February

Spaghetti Bolognaise (dairy free)

Fish Finger Wrap

Quorn Bolognaise (V) (dairy free)

Filled Cold Wraps

Filled Jacket Potatoes


If you have any questions, please contact the school office.  Thank you. 

Wednesday 13th February, 2019

World Book Day – Thursday 7th March

It is World Book Day on Thursday 7th March.  On this day we would love for children to come to school dressed as their favourite book character!

Wednesday 13th February, 2019

Red Nose Day – Friday 15th March

It is Red Nose Day (Comic Relief) on Friday 15th March.  Please add this date to your diary!  More information about the day to follow.

Friday 8th February, 2019


Please could we ask parents not to park opposite the lay-by outside of school, as this causes an obstruction for traffic and makes it difficult for families to cross the road safely.

Parents should also not park by the telephone box at the end of the lay-by, as this also causes an obstruction for cars coming down the hill.  Thank you.

Friday 8th February, 2019

Mothers Day Gift Order Forms

Please ensure that all Mothers Day Gift Order forms are returned by Friday 22nd March, at the latest.  Gifts will be sent home with children on Friday 29th March.

Mothers Day Gift Order Form

Friday 8th February, 2019

New horizons for Mrs Langley

It is with great sadness that we will be saying goodbye to Mrs Langley at half term. Mandy has a new job with the NHS and I’m sure you’ll agree that her bubbly personality and hardworking attitude will be an asset to the ward.

Mandy has worked in our office and as a TA at Myddle for 12 years so will be missed by us all but we wish her all the very best with her new career pathway.