
Tuesday 11th June, 2019

Wednesday Cookery Club – CANCELLED

Dear Parents/Carers

Due to staff illness we are having to cancel the afterschool Cookery Club on Wednesday’s.

Parents who have paid will receive a refund.

Any questions please speak to Mrs Smith, School Office.


Tuesday 11th June, 2019

Leavers Service – Date Change

The date for the Leavers Service at Church has had to be moved.

It is now Thursday, 11th July at 1:30pm.


Mrs Smith

Tuesday 11th June, 2019

Sports Day – Update

Dear Parents/Carers

It would appear that this horrible weather is set to continue for the rest of this week so our reserve date for sports day, Friday 14th June, has also been cancelled.

The date for sports day has now been moved to Friday 21st June, there is no reserve date set as yet.

If we have to postpone/cancel again we will let you know via the school website.

Sorry for this inconvenience


Mrs Smith


Tuesday 11th June, 2019


SPORTS DAY CANCELLED tomorrow. So sorry, our attempt to have an early sports day in the beautiful sunshine has not gone as planned!! We will aim to do it on our reserve date which is this Friday.

The menu tomorrow will now be fish and chips rather than the packed lunches. 

Sunday 9th June, 2019

School Office

Dear Parents/Carers

The school office will be closed from 12pm tomorrow (Monday) due to training.


Mrs Smith

Friday 7th June, 2019

Forest School

Dear Parent/Carer

Please can you ensure you send your child with full waterproof clothing, long sleeved tops and trousers plus their wellies for Forest School. We have had several instances recently when the children were not appropriately dressed for the wet weather. Forest School takes place regardless what the weather is doing, rain or shine!!!

Thank you for your support


Friday 7th June, 2019

PTA Update

Please can you send in any outstanding monies from the recent book sale! Check the book for the yellow posit note. Update on the success of this event to follow!

Upcoming Events:

  • Myddle Fathers Day Treasure Hunt, 16th June, 10am-4pm, £10 per car, Departing – Myddle Village Hall.
  • Car Boot Sale @, Myddle Primary School 23rd June 9am – 12pm £5.00 per pitch

Any questions please speak to Lianne or one of the PTA Team


Friday 7th June, 2019

Outstanding Payments – Sports After School Clubs & Residential Trips

Dear Parents/Carers

Polite Reminder – Please can payment for the events listed below be made ASAP via the School Gateway.

  • Dovedale Residential Yr 4
  • Stratford Upon Avon Residential Yr 5
  • Jonny Hughes Football – Boys Friday Afterschool
  • Tennis – Mixed Thursday Afterschool
  • Cookery Club – Wednesday

If you need to know who much you owe, please do not hesitate to give the school office a call on 01939 290834

Friday 7th June, 2019

Star of the Week 7th June

Star Pupils

Panda:Olivia C

Tiger: Isabella W

Rhino: Rhys F

Jaguar:  Elizabeth

Mathematician of the week:  Sarah E-M

Writer of the week: Jamie D

Reader of the week:  Harvey L

Handwriter of the week: Amy C

Winners of Scruffy:  Panda Class

Well done to Cass, Jacob, Dylan, Rhys, Zoe, Amy, Sophie Carr & Sophie Collins who took part in the Yr3/4 tennis tournament at The Corbet. They finished 3rd and 5th!!!! Amazing effort!


Wednesday 5th June, 2019

Important PTA message – Book Sale

Dear Parents/Carer

The PTA held a book fair in the school hall this morning. The children were allowed to come in and choose max of two books at 50p each. In each child’s books that they will bring home today there should be a little yellow post it note stating if they owe 50p or £1 depending on how many books they chose. We understand that this was done without prior consent which is why we kept it at a max cost of £1 in a hope that parents wouldn’t mind. However if you do have any issues regarding this please feel free to come and speak to Cheryl Collins or Rachel Smith in the school office.

Please can you bring in the money for the books in a sealed and named envelope. If you would prefer to return the book please also do so with a note to let us know.

***Important*** as this was a general book fair and not just children’s books we attempted to monitor all books purchased by the children especially years 5/6 who tended to go for the more adult looking books. We did ask most of them to swap for a more age related one however some may have slipped through the net so can we kindly ask that you double check the content of the books before letting your child read them.

Thank you again for supporting the PTA.