
Monday 27th April, 2020

Working from Home Y5&6 – Monday 27th April 2020

Welcome back Year 5&6 to a new week of learning from home. I hope that you refreshed yourselves during the weekend and are ready to focus again at the start of a new week. Myddle CE Primary School shall be open today with a few ‘key workers’ supporting a small group of children. Therefore, the books of the school children are still available to collect in the reception area if you still haven’t done so. Well done to all of those children who have helped to get the Y5&6 class to Number 1 in the world on Spelling Shed, however, since Sunday, we have now dropped back to number 6! Can we get back to the top again? Yes we can!

Here’s our timetable for today.
Daily Timetable Monday 27.4.20

9:00 Morning exercise

9:30 Spelling Shed

9:45 English (Continue with ‘Biography’ writing)
English Lesson 1 Monday 27.4.20


11:00 Maths
Y5 Maths Monday 27th April 2020
Y5 Maths Activity Monday 27th April 2020
Y6 Maths Monday 27th April 2020
Y6 Maths Activity Monday 27th April 2020


1:00 Whole class story (Ancient Greek Myth – Pandora’s Box)


1:30 Science (New Topic – Humans)
Science Lesson 1 Monday 27th April – Babies and human life cycle
Activity Sheet Stages of Human Growth and Development


Have a good day. I’m looking forward to seeing how your progress today.

Sunday 26th April, 2020

Rhino Class – Learning Project WEEK 4 (27th Apr – 1st May) – Animals

Hi Everyone,

Here are all the links to this week’s home learning tasks. As well as completing some of these activities it is important to read daily and practise your x tables as much as possible.

Please click on the link below to access the Rhino Class Learning Project for this week:

Week 4 Learning Project – Animals

This week’s project again includes weekly tasks for Maths, Reading, Writing and Spellings and a cross-curricular / topic project. All web links and instructions are included in the document. Please choose at least one activity from each section per day. 

Use the links below for some Reading Comprehension Activities:

Pet Care of a Dog Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity

Pet Care of a Guinea Pig Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity

Weekly spellings – please access the spellings to learn this week below. Week 4 should be learnt each day and then tested on Friday.

Year 3 Summer 1       Year 4 Summer 1

Please click on links below to access Year 3 and 4 Common Exception words and activities:

Common Exception Words – Year 3 and 4

Year 3 and 4 crosswords

Year 3 and 4 word searches

It is also a good idea to try and write each word into a sentence to ensure understanding of each word and practise using capital letters and full stops.

BBC Bitesize have some great daily activities in a range of subjects. If you would like to have look and try out some of the activities, then follow the links below:

Year 3 BBC Bitesize

Year 4 BBC Bitesize

Looking for a challenge?

Try the x tables challenge… Ultimate x Table Challenge

You can also access some video lessons on fractions for lower key stage 2 on the NCETM website. Use the following link: Fraction Lesson s 6 -10

There are also some great daily maths lessons on the white rose website. These can be accessed using the links below:

Year 3 Fractions       Year 4 Decimals

Again, if fancy being active, then click on the link below for a daily workout from the body coach Joe Wicks. Each day, he will continue to stream a live 30 minute PE lesson for pupils access at home at 9am. There are also a wealth of 5/10 min workouts specifically aimed at children which are great.

Joe Wicks – Workout Sessions

It was great last week to see so many examples of the work the children had completed as well as photos of them working, so if you like to share your child’s work with me (for rewards and feedback), again this can be done via the Class Dojo portfolio. As usual, if you have any queries, please continue to contact me via the Class Dojo app.

I will also set some daily challenges on a Tuesday and Thursday and send the link out via Class Dojo around 8am each day.

Kind regards and keep well

Mr Glover

Friday 24th April, 2020

Highlights from Home Y5&6 Friday 24th April 2020

Well it’s finally the end of what has been a long week. Despite the gorgeous weather and the fantastic efforts by the children, it’s clear that they are wanting to get back to school and see their friends again. Once again, thank you to everybody who has been contributing to their learning and progress of the children at home. Having you there to keep them focused, checking their answers, and offering ideas and areas of improvement is so important. We couldn’t do it without you!

Would you believe, Y5&6 are now 4th in the world on Spelling Shed and we are closing in on 1st place. If it doesn’t get used, schools lose their points, so if each child can spend 5-10 minutes on Saturday and Sunday to practise their new spellings for next week, then hopefully we will maintain our position until Monday.

Pos Group Group Score
1. Class 4F, St Helen’s Catholic Primary School, England 600,486,275
2. 3FE, Pennine Way Primary School, England 584,468,968
3. Year 2 Mrs Styles Phonics, Paget Primary School, England 572,236,756
4. Year 5 & 6 Myddle, Harris Gough Federation, England 562,467,888

Here’s day two of ‘Storytime with Nelly’.

Here’s our Highlights from Home today.
Friday’s 24.4.20 Highlights from Home Y5&6

Have a good weekend everybody!

Friday 24th April, 2020

A message from us to you

Thursday 23rd April, 2020

Working from Home Y5&6 – Friday 24th April 2020

After the Easter two-week break, it has probably been a hard week for the children, having to get back into a routine of working from home. However, from what I’ve seen, they’ve shown great focus and resilience throughout the week. It must be difficult for both the children and yourselves, so a huge thank you for keeping up their concentration levels and high expectations. Hopefully you’ve been enjoying the ‘Highlights from Home’ pages that I’ve been uploading each evening.

Here’s Friday’s timetable of learning from home.
Daily Timetable Friday 24.4.20


9:00 Morning exercise
9:25 Spelling Shed: (Having now got back into the Top 10 in the world this week, can we maintain it?)


9:45 English (Biography writing)
English Lesson 5 Friday 24.4.20


11:00 Maths
Y5 Maths Friday 24th April
Y5 Maths Activity Friday 24th April
Y6 Maths Friday 24th April
Y6 Maths Activity – Friday 24th April Pie Charts


1:00 Whole class story (Ancient Greek Myth) Demeter and her daughter Persephone


1:20 RE (Hinduism – Lesson 1)
Lesson 1 RE – Hinduism


2:20 PE – Athletics – Long Jump  &  Tennis

Enjoy your weekend!


Thursday 23rd April, 2020

Highlights from Home Y5&6 – Thursday 23rd April 2020

Yet again, another beautiful day outside, so hopefully you all got a chance to experience the outdoor life. Hopefully, the children enjoyed learning about their chosen sports person and turning their notes into the start of a biography today. It’s been great to read the examples that have been created so far. It looks like many of the children enjoyed making their hummus (even though they may not have liked the taste!). For those who chose the phoenix’s eye, it may get frustrating along the way, but it’s worth it in the end.

Thanks to our star spellers today, we’ve now climbed into 7th place in the world!
1. Class 4F, St Helen’s Catholic Primary School, England 612,861,455
2. 3FE, Pennine Way Primary School, England 576,797,965
3. Year 2 Mrs Styles Phonics, Paget Primary School, England 570,567,338
4. 2S, Paget Primary School, England 547,564,148
5. New Group – 4F & 4G, St Helen’s Catholic Primary School, England 525,415,151
6. 1D, Gems Wellington International School, United Arab Emirates 514,439,586
7. Year 5 & 6 Myddle, Harris Gough Federation, England 479,311,441
Nelly has started her own ‘story channel’ – Reading with Nelly. Here’s today’s edition.
And then, after all of her hard work this morning, she enjoyed some ‘down time’ with the dogs in the garden.
Here’s the rest of the highlights from today’s learning at home. I hope you enjoy it and gain inspiration from all the effort that these children/parents have been putting in at home. I certainly have!
Thursday’s 23.4.20 Highlights from Home Y5&6
Thursday 23rd April, 2020

Coronavirus Book for children, illustrated by Alex Scheffler


The attached book has been written to help you explain the pandemic to your children. I hope you find it helpful.

Thursday 23rd April, 2020

Survey for parents on home-learning

Attached is a short survey from us at the school to find out how things are going for you at home and if there is any way we can help you further.

We really would appreiciate you taking some to fill it in and return it to us via email. All the details are in the attachment.

COVID-19 Parent Home learning survey

Many thanks.

Thursday 23rd April, 2020

Working from home Y5&6 – Thursday 23rd April 2020

Good morning everybody. Well done on your hard work from yesterday. I’m looking forward to seeing what you produce at home today. The weather is supposed to be lovely this afternoon so hopefully Chloe will spend more time on her trampoline, Reuben will attempt to break his 500m record in the pool, Lily will try and achieve 5 keep ups with her football, Katie and Lucy will show off their rollerblading skills and Nelly will record her first episode of ‘Reading with Nelly’ live from outdoors!

Here’s today’s timetable:
Daily Timetable Thursday 23.4.20

9:00 Morning exercise

9:25 Spelling Shed: We are now 20th in the world. I think we can break into the top 15 this morning!

9:45 English: Biography writing (Writing/Typing the opening parts only)
English Lesson 4 Thursday 23.4.20


11:00 Maths
Y5 Maths Lesson 4 – Thursday 23rd April (Look carefully at the final slide which shows you which questions to attempt!)
Y5 Maths Lesson 4 Activity – Thursday 23rd April
Y6 Maths Lesson 4 – Thursday 23rd April (Look carefully at the final slide which shows you which questions to attempt!)
Y6 Maths Lesson 4 Activity – Thursday 23rd April


1:00 Reading (Own reading today)

1:20 Art OR D&T (Food technology) Read the information for both of these lessons HOWEVER, only choose 1 of them to do today. If you don’t have the ingredients for the cooking, choose Art and you can do the D&T next week.

(*1 of these activities is for today, the other is for next week – you decide!)

Lesson 1 Art
Lesson 1 D&T (Food technology)

Have a great day!

Thursday 23rd April, 2020

Rhino Daily Challenge – Writing

Imagine you are Harry Potter in the scene below. Write five different sentences about what you can see and where you can see it.

Challenge: Try to use at least 2 of the following:

Prepositional phrase (position) – Above my head, at the edge of the narrow street,

Simile (like or as)- glowing like the embers of a fire, as bright as a star

Personification (human action/emotion) – The shop begged me come in

Good luck!