Rhino Class – Learning Project WEEK 10 (15th June- 19th June) – Rainforest

Hi Everyone,

Here are all the links for this week’s learning. As well as completing some of these activities, it is important to read daily and practise your x tables as much as possible.

Please click on the link below to access the Rhino Class Learning Project for this week:

Rhino Class Learning Project – Week 10 – RAINFORESTS

This week’s project again includes weekly tasks for Maths, Reading, Writing and Spellings and a cross-curricular / topic project. All web links and instructions are included in the document. The timetable is just a suggestion and activities do not necessarily need to be completed in that order. However, try to complete as many of the tasks as you can during the week. 

Here are some Rainforest related activities:

Layers of the Rainforest presentation

Rainforest habitats

Layers of the Rainforest activity

Rainforest – Mapping the Amazon

Rainforest World Map

Use the links below for some Reading Comprehension Activities:

Rainforest Comprehension

Rainforest Deforestation Comprehension

Rainforest Calling Comprehension

Rainforest Factfile Comprehension

Weekly spellings – please access the spellings to learn this week below. This week is week 3. Practise during the week with a test at the end of the week. Try putting the words into sentences too to ensure understanding of each word.

Year 3 Summer 2    Year 4 Summer 2

Please click on links below to access Year 3 and 4 Common Exception words and activities:

Year 3 and 4 Common Exception Words List

Year 3 and 4 Crosswords

Year 3 and 4 Word Searches

Year 3 and 4 Activity Cards

Year 3 and 4 Dictation Passages

To reinforce the spelling of common words, then please access the high frequency word resources below:

1st 100 High frequency words

2nd 200 High frequency words

Commonly misspelt words – word searches

It is also a good idea to try and write each word into a sentence to ensure understanding of each word and practise using capital letters and full stops.

BBC Bitesize have some great daily activities in a range of subjects. If you would like to have look and try out some of the activities, then follow the links below:

Year 3 BBC Bitesize

Year 4 BBC Bitesize

Oak National Academy has also put together some amazing resources to support learning at home. There are lessons to follow for each day of the week which can be accessed using the links below.

Year 3 – week 8   Year 4 – week 8

The academy is currently on week 8 of these resources but if you find them useful in supporting your child at home then you can also access weeks 1 – 7 by scrolling down the web page.

You can also access some video lessons on fractions for lower key stage 2 on the NCETM website. Use the following link access week 8 and lessons 25- 29:

LKS2 Fraction lessons – week 8

There are also some great maths lessons on the White Rose website.

Videos for week 8 can be accessed via the following links:

Year 3 Ordering fraction    Year 4 Decimals

Corresponding worksheets can be accessed here:

Year 3  Lesson 1  Lesson 2  Lesson 3  Lesson 4

Year 4  Lesson 1  Lesson 2  Lesson 3  Lesson 4

You can also try completing some arithmetic tests. They are great practise mental calculating: Have another go at these this week and I will upload some different examples next week.

Year 3: Test 1a   Test 2a   Test 3a   Test 4a   Test 5a

Year 4: Test 1a   Test 2a   Test 3a   Test 4a   Test 5a

Again, if you’re feeling like being energetic, then click on the link below for a daily workout from the body coach Joe Wicks. Each day, he will continue to stream a live 30 minute PE lesson for pupils access at home at 9 am. There are also a wealth of 5/10 min workouts specifically aimed at children which are great.

Joe Wicks – Workout Sessions

It was great last week to see so many examples of the work the children had completed as well as photos of them working, so if you like to share your child’s work with me (for rewards and feedback), again this can be done via the Class Dojo portfolio. As usual, if you have any queries, please continue to contact me via the Class Dojo app.

I will also set some daily challenges on a Tuesday and Thursday and send the link out via Class Dojo around 8am each day.

Kind regards and keep well

Mr Glover

Rhino Daily Challenge – Maths


Today’s challenge is all about number.

Try solving these number riddles below. Can you follow the clues to identify the number?

Can you solve at least 3 riddles? Can you solve them all? Can you create a number riddle of your own?



Rhino Daily Challenge – Writing

Acrostic Poetry

An acrostic poem can be fun to create but also quite thought provoking.

To create an acrostic, follow these four easy steps:
  1. Decide what to write about
  2. Write your chosen word vertically down your page
  3. Write a word or a sentence that starts with one of the vertical letters
  4. Repeat for the rest of the vertical letters until your poem is complete

For today’s challenge, I would like you to have a go at writing an acrostic poem for a sport or sports person of your choice. Try and write sentences for each letter rather just choosing one word. Be creative!

Here is an example for one of my favourite sports:

B ounce the ball with your head up
A ccuracy is key to scoring a basket
S hoot if you’re open
K eep your mind on the game
E njoy it while you can
T ake it to the basket
B end knees to shoot with power
A lways use the backboard
L ay up shots should never be missed
L earn to play as a team
Don’t forget to send in your work on dojo. I have lots of merits to give out!!!

Rhino Class – Learning Project WEEK 9 (8th June- 12th June) – Sport

Hi Everyone,

Here are all the links for this week’s learning. As well as completing some of these activities, it is important to read daily and practise your x tables as much as possible.

Please click on the link below to access the Rhino Class Learning Project for this week:

Rhino Class Learning Project – Week 9 – SPORT

This week’s project again includes weekly tasks for Maths, Reading, Writing and Spellings and a cross-curricular / topic project. All web links and instructions are included in the document. The timetable is just a suggestion and activities do not necessarily need to be completed in that order. However, try to complete as many of the tasks as you can during the week. 

Use the links below for some Reading Comprehension Activities:

Women’s World Cup Comprehension

Kelly Holmes Comprehension

Mo Farah Comprehension

Usain Bolt Comprehension

Rio Olympics Comprehension

Weekly spellings – please access the spellings to learn this week below. This week is week 2. Practise during the week with a test at the end of the week. Try putting the words into sentences too to ensure understanding of each word.

Year 3 Summer 2    Year 4 Summer 2

Please click on links below to access Year 3 and 4 Common Exception words and activities:

Year 3 and 4 Common Exception Words List

Year 3 and 4 Crosswords

Year 3 and 4 Word Searches

Year 3 and 4 Activity Cards

Year 3 and 4 Dictation Passages

To reinforce the spelling of common words, then please access the high frequency word resources below:

1st 100 High frequency words

2nd 200 High frequency words

Commonly misspelt words – word searches

It is also a good idea to try and write each word into a sentence to ensure understanding of each word and practise using capital letters and full stops.

BBC Bitesize have some great daily activities in a range of subjects. If you would like to have look and try out some of the activities, then follow the links below:

Year 3 BBC Bitesize

Year 4 BBC Bitesize

Oak National Academy has also put together some amazing resources to support learning at home. There are lessons to follow for each day of the week which can be accessed using the links below.

Year 3 – week 7   Year 4 – week 7

The academy is currently on week 6 of these resources but if you find them useful in supporting your child at home then you can also access weeks 1 – 6 by scrolling down the web page.

You can also access some video lessons on fractions for lower key stage 2 on the NCETM website. Use the following link access week 7 and lessons 21- 24:

LKS2 Fraction lessons – week 7

There are also some great maths lessons on the White Rose website.

Videos for week 7 can be accessed via the following links:

Year 3 Equivalent Fractions     Year 4 Tenths and Decimals

Corresponding worksheets can be accessed here:

Year 3  Lesson 1  Lesson 2  Lesson 3  Lesson 4

Year 4  Lesson 1  Lesson 2  Lesson 3  Lesson 4

You can also try completing some arithmetic tests. They are great practise mental calculating:

Year 3: Test 1a   Test 2a   Test 3a   Test 4a   Test 5a

Year 4: Test 1a   Test 2a   Test 3a   Test 4a   Test 5a

Again, if you’re feeling like being energetic, then click on the link below for a daily workout from the body coach Joe Wicks. Each day, he will continue to stream a live 30 minute PE lesson for pupils access at home at 9 am. There are also a wealth of 5/10 min workouts specifically aimed at children which are great.

Joe Wicks – Workout Sessions

It was great last week to see so many examples of the work the children had completed as well as photos of them working, so if you like to share your child’s work with me (for rewards and feedback), again this can be done via the Class Dojo portfolio. As usual, if you have any queries, please continue to contact me via the Class Dojo app.

I will also set some daily challenges on a Tuesday and Thursday and send the link out via Class Dojo around 8am each day.

Kind regards and keep well

Mr Glover

Rhino Daily Challenge – Maths

Four-digit Targets

You have two sets of the digits from 0 to 9.


Can you arrange these digits in the five boxes below to make four-digit numbers as close to the target number as possible.
You may use each digit once only.

You may need to use a trial and error approach – Keep trying

Rhino Daily Challenge – Writing/Research

Time for some research….

Can you create an information page for a sea creature of your choice. You could choose your favourite sea creature or even choose to find out about a sea creature that you haven’t heard of before…

Try and use the following features:

Title – name of your page

Sub title – introduction to your page

Sub headings – mini title for each section

Paragraphs – groups of sentences about the same information

Labels or captions – give extra details to pictures or diagrams

As well as general information, try and include sections on habitat and diet and also try and include an interesting fact!

You can can create these on paper or even use a computer programme such as powerpoint or publisher.

I would love to see your work, so send it in via dojo.

Good luck



Rhino Class – Learning Project WEEK 8 (1st June- 5th June) – Under the Sea

Hello Everyone,

Welcome back after the half term break. I hope managed to have relaxing break and had a chance to enjoy the beautiful weather we had.

Here are all the links to this week’s home learning tasks. As well as completing some of these activities it is important to read daily and practise your x tables as much as possible.

Please click on the link below to access the Rhino Class Learning Project for this week:

Rhino Class Learning Project  Week 8 – UNDER THE SEA

This week’s project again includes weekly tasks for Maths, Reading, Writing and Spellings and a cross-curricular / topic project. All web links and instructions are included in the document. Please choose at least one activity from each section per day. 

Use the links below for some Reading Comprehension Activities:

Oceans Comprehension

Shark Comprehension

Sea Explorers Comprehension

Weekly spellings – please access the spellings to learn this week below. start with week 1 and practise during the week with a test at the end of the week. Try putting the words into sentences too to ensure understanding of each word.

Year 3 Summer 2    Year 4 Summer 2

Please click on links below to access Year 3 and 4 Common Exception words and activities:

Common Exception Words – Year 3 and 4

Year 3 and 4 crosswords

Year 3 and 4 word searches

To reinforce the spelling of common words, then please access the high frequency word resources below:

1st 100 High frequency words

2nd 200 High frequency words

It is also a good idea to try and write each word into a sentence to ensure understanding of each word and practise using capital letters and full stops.

BBC Bitesize have some great daily activities in a range of subjects. If you would like to have look and try out some of the activities, then follow the links below:

Year 3 BBC Bitesize

Year 4 BBC Bitesize

Oak National Academy has also put together some amazing resources to support learning at home. There are lessons to follow for each day of the week which can be accessed using the links below.

Year 3 – week 6   Year 4 – week 6

The academy is currently on week 6 of these resources but if you find them useful in supporting your child at home then you can also access weeks 1 – 5 by scrolling down the web page.

You can also access some video lessons on fractions for lower key stage 2 on the NCETM website. Use the following link access week 6 and lessons 16- 20:

LKS2 Fraction lessons – week 6

There are also some great maths lessons on the White Rose website.

Videos for week 6 can be accessed via the following links:

Year 3 Tenths as decimals     Year 4 Adding fractions

Corresponding worksheets can be accessed here:

Year 3   Lesson 1  Lesson 2  Lesson 3  Lesson 4

Year 4  Lesson 1   Lesson 2  Lesson 3  Lesson 4

Again, if you’re feeling like being energetic, then click on the link below for a daily workout from the body coach Joe Wicks. Each day, he will continue to stream a live 30 minute PE lesson for pupils access at home at 9 am. There are also a wealth of 5/10 min workouts specifically aimed at children which are great.

Joe Wicks – Workout Sessions

It was great last week to see so many examples of the work the children had completed as well as photos of them working, so if you like to share your child’s work with me (for rewards and feedback), again this can be done via the Class Dojo portfolio. As usual, if you have any queries, please continue to contact me via the Class Dojo app.

I will also set some daily challenges on a Tuesday and Thursday and send the link out via Class Dojo around 8am each day.

Kind regards and keep well

Mr Glover

Rhino Daily Challenge – Maths

Today there are two challenge to solve involving concepts of time. Try and complete at least one, or why try and solve both. Make sure you read what to do carefully.

Challenge 1:

How Many Times?

On a digital 24 hour clock, at certain times, all the digits are consecutive (in counting order). You can count forwards or backwards.

For example: 1:23 

How many times like this are there between midnight and 7:00?
How many are there between 7:00 and midday?
How many are there between midday and midnight?

Top Tip: Remember to try and work systematically in order to be sure you have found all possible answers…
Challenge 2:

Two Clocks

Sam and Julie are friends. Both of them have rather odd clocks at home.
In Sam’s bedroom there is an old alarm clock which his Dad had thrown out because it had lost its minute hand. Although it has only its small hand, Sam can still tell the time using it. He can tell the hour, such as midday. He can tell when it is time to get up, time to go to school and time to turn his light out at night.

four clock faces with only hour hands

Which clock is showing it is midday?
At what time does Sam get up?
At what time does Sam go to school?
At what time is Sam supposed to turn out his light?

In Julie’s hall there is a very old clock which lost its hour hand a long time ago.

grandfather clock with minute hand at 25 past

School finishes at half past three and it takes Julie at least half an hour to get home. Sometimes she goes to the shop on the way, and sometimes she leaves school a bit later. When she first gets home Julie always looks at the clock in the hall to see what time it is.
One week these were the times she saw:

clocks with just minute hands
On which day was it raining so she hurried straight home?
On which day did she go to the shop to buy some sweets on the way home?
On which day did she stay at school to practise in the band?
On which day did she play with Sam for about half an hour before setting off for home?
On which day did her teacher keep the class in for five minutes?

Ten things found in the pocket of…

Thank you to all those of you that have so far completed yesterday’s daily challenge. Your ideas have been really creative and you have written some excellent poems in line with the original structure. Well done.

Click on the below to view some great examples:

10 things found in the pocket of….

Rhino Daily Challenge – Writing

Read the short poem below:

Ten Things Found in a Wizard’s Pocket

A dark night.
Some words that nobody could ever spell.
A glass of water full to the top.
A large elephant.
A vest made from spider’s webs.
A handkerchief the size of a car park.
A bill from the wand shop.
A bucket full of stars and planets, to mix with the
dark night.
A bag of magic mints you can suck for ever.
A snoring rabbit.

By Ian McMillan


What 10 things would you find in the pocket of who?

What would be in the pockets of a teacher? a footballer? a pop star? a scientist? a film/book character?

Choose someone and decide what 10 things would be found in their pocket. Try and use the structure of the original poem to help. The poet uses some short lines but also uses some longer more detailed lines. He also links some of the lines together where he links the dark night with the bucket full of stars. Can you make links in your poem?

I really look forward to reading what you come up with and it would be great to share some of your work on the school website. Send your work in via dojo and will put a presentation together showcasing your work.

Good luck