Junior Bake off- Any budding chef out there?

We received this email from the producers of “The Great British Bake off”.

We are delighted to say, that we have recently opened applications for the 8th series of Junior Bake Off; a Channel 4 programme that celebrates the culinary talent and ambition of the younger generation in Britain.

With this in mind, we are contacting schools in the hope that you can help us spread the word regarding this exciting opportunity.

If you could share our casting flyer with the children, parents & staff at your school that would be really appreciated.

We are looking for young budding bakers between 9-12 years old.

Filming would take place from July 2022, but our applications close on Sunday 13th March 2022.

Interested bakers can apply online at – www.applyforjuniorbakeoff.co.uk


Tuesday 8th Feb – Tennis Sessions

We will be having a tennis coach visit us on Tuesday and each class will take part in a session.

Please can all children come to school in their PE kits on this day.

Running Club Extra Session -16th Feb NOT tonight!

We are proposing to hold a session afterschool on Wednesday 16th February to make up for the session on Friday which we had to cancel as the teacher was poorly.

Please add it to your diary.

Tiger and Rhino Class – Monday 31st

Tiger and Rhino Classes will reopen on Monday 31st Jan.

Please have a read of the previous posts relating to  COVID-19  especially symptoms to lookout fior. Please do not sed your child to school if they are unwell.

We look forward to seeing tiger and rhino’ pupil’s on Monday.

Running Club Cancelled – 28th January

Sadly we are having to cancel the running club session tonight as our Sports Coach has become unwell.

Please accept our apologises for this cancellation.

Change to Lunch Menu – Monday 31st Jan & Tuesday 1st Feb

There is a change to the published menu for school dinners.

On Monday 31st Jan, it will be Spaghetti Bolognaise, Quorn Lasagne or Vegan Bolognaise.

On Tuesday, 1st Feb, and to celebrate the Chinese New Year, it will be Chicken Tenders with a sweet and sour sauce or Vegetable Singapore Noodles.


Dear all, firstly thank you for your patience this week. As you can imagine, we have been having a logistical nightmare, but our main concerns have been for everyone’s well-being. It is really worrying having so many of you poorly and we hope you are all on the way to recovery.

SNOW-LEOPARDS and PANDA CLASS: you can return to school tomorrow Thursday 27th January.

TIGER CLASS and RHINO CLASS:  you can return to school on Monday 31st January, but if this has to be extended for any reason, we will let you know on Friday.

We are sorry that we cannot open tigers and rhinos this week, but Mr Glover and Mrs Crowe are still unwell.  We are trying to book supply teachers for next week to enable these classes to open. There are also such a high number of children who are positive in those classes, with more being reported every day.

TESTING:  Please make sure that the children are not returning to school until they have had two negative lateral flows.

Please DO NOT send your child back to school this week if they have a headache, sore throat or tummy ache, as these are the symptoms that the positive cases are displaying.  You must take your child for a PCR test if they have these symptoms, then wait for the results before coming to school.

Please ring Baschurch office on 01939 260443 and speak to Emily if you have any questions at all.

IMPORTANT – RHINO class closure

Unfortunately Mr Glover has now tested positive for covid, so we cannot staff Rhino class on Monday. We are going to put in place the same closure period as the other classes: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday for the time being and try to get a supply teacher in place.
Mr Hughes is now the last man standing, so we want to do our best to keep the Jaguars safe and well. Please can Jaguar children carry out a lateral flow before returning to school on Monday and please can we ask that you do not send them in if they have symptoms or precautionary symptoms. The children who have tested positive have mostly had headache or tummy ache.

We are so sad and sorry to have to do this but the most important thing is to get everyone well again.

Take care everyone and thank you for your understanding.

IMPORTANT – partial school closure 24th-26th January

As you know, the number of children testing positive at school has been increasing every day. Despite our best efforts, inevitably the staff have also tested positive for Covid. We have 5 members of staff with Covid and further staff who are isolating and it has now become impossible to staff all the classes. We are unable to get any supply teachers, so Mr Glover has taken two classes into the hall today, but as you can imagine, this is not sustainable and could lead to further spread of the virus.

We have therefore taken the difficult decision to close Snow-leopards, Panda class and Tiger class for Monday 24th, Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th January. If you have a nursery, reception, year 1, year 2 or year 3 pupil,  please do not send them to school until Thursday 27th January.

Mr Glover and Mr Hughes are the two remaining healthy teachers, so we hope to pool the remaining teaching assistants with them to keep Jaguars and Rhinos in school.

Thank you all for your understanding and support with carrying out lateral flows at home. Please continue to phone Baschurch if you need to speak to someone or get any clarification. Mrs Smith could be back on Monday, fingers crossed!

Please do keep checking our website for updates as we may get more information regarding the remaining staff over the weekend.

10 Positive COVID-19 Cases – Tiger, Rhino & Jaguar (17th Jan 2022)

At the end of today we have10 positive cases of COVID- 19 across Tiger, Rhino & Jaguar Classes.

If you haven’t already started, please test your child daily for the next 7 days with a lateral flow device, common symptoms appear to be headache, temperature and tummy ache/tummy bug.

If you feel your child is unwell in any way, please do not send them into school.

If you have any questions at all either ring Mrs Smith on 01939 290834 or email school at admin@myddle.shropshire.sch.uk