Trip to Hoo Zoo and Dinosaur Park – July 2022

We had a brilliant day at Hoo Zoo and Dinosaur Park! The children loved the impressive dinosaur models and were amazed by all the animals. The meerkats, owls and deer were amongst their favourites.

It was just wonderful to go on a trip again and the children thoroughly enjoyed the experience! Here is to many more opportunities like this in the future!

Hoo Zoo Return time

We are expecting the Hoo Zoo trip to return to school for 3:10pm.

Please can you avoid parking in the bus lane to allow both buses to get close to school and to let the children off safely!

Many Thanks

School Packed Lunches for Sports Day – Wednesday 13th July

Please can all requests for the Sports Day Grab bags provided by School be ordered by Tuesday Morning (12th July). 9:30am at the very latest.

If we do not receive the request slip or a verbal order with Mrs Smith or the class teacher by this time, we will assume that you will be providing them a packed lunch or bringing a picnic with you for your child to eat.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to give Mrs Smith a call.



Change of Menu – Tuesday 19th July

There is another amendments to the published menu on Tuesday 19th July

On this day it will be Pizza not burgers and there will be no sausage rolls available. There will be the usual Jacket Potato choices and grab bags available.

Please also note the other two amendments to lunches which were posted on Friday

Change of Menu – Tues 12th July & Mon 18th July

There will be amendments to the published menu on the dates below:

Tuesday 12th July – there will be chicken Tenders instead of Chicken Fajitas

Monday 18th July – Special Menu
Hot dogs / Vegan Hot Dogs / Chicken Curry followed by chocolate cake for pudding

COVID – 19 Update

Sadly we have three staff member and a couple of children who have got COVID-19 at the moment. We are within touching distance of the Summer holidays, which we are all very ready for, can we ask that if your child has a temperature, feels unwell or shows any symptoms of COVID-19, that your keep them at home.  We know that with our school trip on Monday, this would be disappointing, but we hope you can appreciate that a long coach journey would not be an ideal environment for an ill child and could potentially spread it considerably. We would ask that for the wider school, our community, the vulnerable & grandparents etc, you keep your child at home. We thank you for your support with this.

What to do:

Government guidance in relation to children is for them to be off school for 3 days. We would ask that you allow Day 0 to be the day they started feeling unwell or if you still have testing kits available, the day they tested positive THEN keep them off for the three following days.

For Example:

Tested Positive Today       Remained at home for 3 days            Return to School
Became unwell                                                                            Only if they feel well and don’t have a temperature
8th July                                9th, 10th & 11th                             12th July

Day 0                                     Days 1,2 & 3                                  Day 4


Non Uniform Day – 8th July

Don’t forget its a non-uniform day on Friday 8th July. Please ensure your child wears their trainers as they will still be taking part in their PE sessions.

Please make sure that your blue PTA bags of goodies are brought in by the end of Friday also.