Dance Class Tonight (12th June)

Please accept our massive apologises but Alisha is unable to take the class tonight.

She will be looking to make this session up to the children before the end of the summer term.

So sorry!!!

School Sports Tops

Please can you return any SCHOOL Sports tops to school asap.

This is the kit that we give to pupils when they attend fixtures, this is not the normal PE kit.


Please can we ask that ALL parents check their child’s hair as we have had another report of head-lice in school. If any evidence of an infestation is located please treat it appropriately.

Please can we also ask that long hair is tied back in a pony tail.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact school on 01939 290834

Yr 6 – Free School Transport Applications

Shropshire Council have contacted school to remind parents that the expiry for applications for free transport to secondary school was the 31st May. They still have outstanding applications for those pupils who they think may qualify.

If you haven’t completed your application please do so ASAP.

The quickest way to apply for school transport is via our website or over the phone by calling our Customer Service Team on 0345 6789008.

Those who have already applied will be receiving correspondence from Shropshire Council over the coming weeks, they do not need to reapply.


🌞 Expected Heatwave! 🌞

As the weather is expected to heat up significantly over the next few days, please can we ask that you send your child to school with a sun hat that they can wear outside.

Children’s sunscreen is also recommended as an extra sun protection but this MUST be applied by parents before your child comes to school.

We will be mindful of the amount time that the children are out in the sun.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to give school a ring on 01939 290834

Mrs Smith

Year 6 Parents – Corbet letters

Children who are transferring to Corbet in September have been sent home tonight with a brown envelope. The letter outlines the arrangements for the Induction days on the 3th & 4th July.

  • Corbet School have asked that these forms are return to them directly by Friday, 9th June.
  • Corbet do not provide transport for the two induction days. Parents are required to arrange this themselves.
  • Could you ensure that your child remembers to take writing/drawing materials.
  • You will need to provide your child with either a lunch from home OR send them with £7.00. This figure will cover food at break and lunch for both days (£3.50 per day)

Mrs Sims is due to visit the children tomorrow (8th June) at Myddle, to introduce herself and have a chat to reassure them and answer any questions they may have before their induction days.


Jaguar Museum Trip – Payments and Consent Slips

Jaguar Class are visiting Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery on Tuesday 13th June.

Payment for this trip is £14.00 which is now available on school gateway to pay.

We are outstanding 6 consent/lunch slips so please if you have not returned yours, can you do so asap.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to give school a ring on 01939 290834.

Mrs Smith

Shropshire Parent and Carer Council – Information for SEND Parents

Shropshire Parent and Carer Council (PACC)

PACC works to empower Shropshire parent carers of children with any special educational need or disability (SEND) aged 0-25, to enable them to actively contribute to the design and review of the services that they use.  We do this by providing opportunities for parent carers to share their experience and knowledge of what works or doesn’t work in the everyday lives of families with children and young people with SEND.

PACC is a registered charity and has three main aims as outlined below

  • The creation of a Shropshire parent carer community that reduces isolation and strengthens the capacity of parents to support their family
  • The provision of information to inform and empower parents and carers about the issues that affect their families
  • The provision of opportunities for parents and carers to influence the decisions that affect their families and to contribute to developing services that meet the needs of their families.

Our independence as a parent carer led organisation is important to us.  It means that our work is firmly rooted in the understanding we have, based on personal experience, of the real life challenges faced by families of children and young people with SEND. PACC’s work has shown that while parent carers might be supporting children with a range of conditions, many of the challenges faced by all parent carers are similar.  Families have told us that they struggle to find useful information, often feel different from other families in their local communities and don’t always feel included in the decisions about the support their family receives.

PACC works with families to improve services and to bring parent carers together to provide support to each other.  We work in partnership with local organisations that commission and deliver services for children and young people with SEND, such as Shropshire Council. In doing this we aim to ensure that the decisions that impact on the Shropshire parent carer community are informed by real life experience and to give children and young people with SEND and their families, a real chance to live positive lives. 

“Inclusion in Shropshire” – PACCs Conference 2023

This year we are focusing on inclusive practice in schools and families’ experiences. Our Main speaker is Karen Levell, the Shropshire SEN Team Manager – for more info see…

To book your place and to tell us about your transport needs, please complete the form linked:

School Lunches increase from TODAY (5th June)

Just a reminder that School lunches increase to £2.50 from today, 5th June.

If you think you may qualify for Free School Meals for your child, please speak to Mrs Smith