Celebration Assembly – 8th September

Star’s of this Week :

Jaguar -Charlie & Rowan
Rhino -Harry-Jai & Bradley
Tiger -Oliver  & Hugo
Panda -Mason


Celebration Assembly 14th July

Star of the Week:

Rhino – Francesca

Tiger – Arabella

Panda – Ava L

Snow leopards – Bobby


Mathematician of the week:

Rhino – Caspar

Tiger – Harry

Panda – Sonny


Writer of the week:

Rhino – Finley

Tiger – Freya

Panda – Logan


Handwriter of the week:

Rhino – Olivia

Tiger – Grace


Reader of the week:

Rhino – Ben

Tiger – Aria

Panda – Emma


Sports star of the week:

Rhino – Rose

Tiger – Rhys

Panda – Hugh


Year 6 leavers Events and Times

Thursday 20th July – Leavers service at church 9.30am

Friday 21st July – Year 6 performance at school 1.30pm

All year 6 parents, carers and family members are welcome to both events.

Many Thanks!

Prime Energy Drinks

Please can children NOT bring prime energy drinks into school. Children are encouraged to bring water in a drinks bottle which they can re fill throughout the school day.

Also a reminder to KS2 children – if they would like to bring a snack in for morning break, please can we avoid sweets and chocolate. A healthy snack such as fruit or a healthy bar is absolutely fine.

Many thanks


Lunch Menu Change for Tuesday 18th July

The lunch choices for Tuesday 18th July will be:

Chicken burgers, chicken curry or vegan burgers.


Many Thanks


Parents and Carers
Please could you complete the below road safety survey to enable us to gain feedback regarding the road outside of school.
The link is below:
Many Thanks

Toys in School

Please can we ask that pupils do NOT bring any toys into school, this includes fidget toys and stress balls. Children only need to bring their school/reading books in their school bag, a coat, water bottle and their packed lunch if this is applicable.

If any toys are brought in they will be held by the class teacher and returned to parents at the end of the day.

If you have any questions please speak to the school office.

Thank you for your support.