Parents Appointments

Parent Appointments will be held on Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th October.

Please book via the website.


PTA Events Coming Up!

Apple Fest:  Come along on Saturday 13th October for our Apple Fest 12pm-4pm.

Donations of cakes gratefully received and can be dropped off at School on Friday or Saturday morning.

Scary Hair Disco:  Wednesday 24th October 5pm – 6.30pm

£3 per child to include a hotdog and a drink! (Max cost £7 per family)


cake req

apple fest

Data Sheets

All parents/carers will receive a copy of the information we hold on record.  Please check the data carefully for accuracy.  If any amendments are required please mark this on the data sheet and return it to school by Tuesday 2nd October so that we can update our records.

Thank you for your support.

Years 3/4/5/6 – Young Voices 2019

Myddle CE Primary is very excited to be taking part in the Young Voices concert at Birmingham Genting Arena next January.  The children will join with other schools from all over the country for an afternoon rehearsal before performing an evening concert.

A letter has been sent home today.  As places are limited please reply by Friday 28th September if you would like your child to take part.

Young Voices 2019

Corbet Transition Day tomorrow

We hope that the children are looking forward to spending the day at the Corbet, where they should arrive by 9:30

Just a reminder that if the children need a jumper tomorrow, they must wear their regular school jumper NOT the leaver’s hoodies to the Corbet please.

A reminder that there is also a meeting for parents at the Corbet at 7pm. Children are discouraged from coming to this meeting due to space in their hall. All information is in the transition letter from the Corbet if you have any other queries.


Year 6 Corbet Transition Day

We hope the children are looking forward to spending tomorrow at the Corbet, where they need to arrive by 9:30

Just a reminder that if the children need a jumper, they must wear their regular school jumper NOT the leaver’s hoodies to the Corbet please.

A reminder that there is also a meeting for parents at the Corbet at 7pm. Children are discouraged from coming to this meeting due to space in their hall. All information is in the transition letter from the Corbet if you have any other queries.


Myddle Fete – Saturday 7th July

We are looking forward to Saturday and more sunny weather for our Fete.  The PTA are working hard with the Fete committee to pull the event together and need some help with the following:

  • Gazebo – If you have a spare you can lend us for the day please speak to Gill Harris or the School Office.
  • BBQ – We have one but need another!  Could lend us one for the day to keep the burgers cooking?!
  • Cakes – We would be very grateful for any donations of cakes.  These should be delivered on Saturday.
  • Volunteers – Can you spare any time on Friday afternoon or Saturday to help set up, man a stall and help tidy at the end of the day.

Unfortunately, the Ceilidh has been cancelled but the BBQ and Bar will continue to run into the evening so we hope you will come and join the fun!

Ironworks – End of Year Trip

This year we have been invited to the Ironworks!

We will travel by bus on Thursday 12th July and invite all Snow Leopard parents, carers and Friday Toddler families to join us for a fun filled day.

Please see the attached letter.

Nursery Ironworks trip

Sports Day!

Please ensure all children have their school PE kit for Wednesday 20th June.  No coloured t-shirts required!

If you are joining us for the picnic lunch please arrive at 12pm via main reception. We aim to start the afternoon fun at approximately 1pm.

Please note there will be no hot refreshments but our wonderful PTA will have ice lollies for all our racers!

Parents e-safety information evening Wed 20th

The Corbet school are hosting an e-safety information evening, led by PC Crump this Wednesday at 6:30 . They are very keen for us to encourage our parents to attend as well. If you are able to make it, please do. We are having a growing number of problems relating to phones, computers and consoles that are spilling into school and impacting on children in class. We know most of you are very careful about what your children access and don’t access, but you don’t always know what they’ve signed up for and what the associated risks are. I urge you to attend and get as much information as possible about what’s out there.

E-Safety Information Evening: Wednesday 20th June, 6:30-7:30, The Corbet School.