Can we just remind you that Sunset Club finishes at 5:30pm. We do realise that on the odd occasions you may be delayed, if this is the case please phone the club lead on 01939 290268 (the nursery phone number) to let them know.

It is one of our terms and conditions for the club that we can charge extra for a late pick up, this is because the school staff are only paid until 5:30pm and the cleaners have to lock up, if they are delayed, Shire Services can also charge us for the overtime. This obviously means that we could make a loss, which we cannot afford and would mean that we would have to increase the cost of the club for everyone.

Thank you for your support.

New Assistant Headteacher appointment

We would like to let you know that after advertising for a new assistant headteacher, we were overwhelmed by the amount of applications from a very strong field of candidates, many of whom were already in leadership posts. What made me proud was that each and every one who came to look around commented on the lovely atmosphere and the well-behaved and polite children.

We are very pleased to let you know that we have now successfully appointed Mr Paul Glover as our new assistant headteacher. Mr. Glover currently works at St. George’s Junior school in Shrewsbury where he has been deputy head, year group leader and SENco. Some of his favourite things in school are ICT, sport, singing and school productions. He is really looking forward to meeting everyone and hopes to come in during this half term to start to get to know you all.

We will now start to think about which teacher will be teaching each class next year and how the classes will grouped now that we have the final reception intake numbers. We will let you know in due course.

Transition day is Wednesday 10th July where the year 6s go to the Corbet for the day and all the children at Myddle will spend the day with their new teacher.

Crucial Crew Yr6 – Payment Reminder

Dear Parent/Carer

Please can payment for the above trip be made asap via the School Gateway. Cost is £4.

If you have made payment already please ignore this message.


Mrs Smith

Mini Red Tennis – Tuesday 4th June

Dear Parent/Carer

If your child is taking part in the tournament at The Corbet tomorrow, please ensure they have their PE shorts and trainers in school and their water bottle. School will provide a team top.Please apply sun-cream  at home,and provide a sun-hat. They will also need a packed lunch.If you have any questions please give the school office a bell on 01939 290834.
Many Thanks
Mrs Smith


Dear Parent/Carer

We have the school photo’s taking place in school tomorrow. Please can we ask that all children arrive in school in full uniform, IF your child has forest school in the morning please send their full uniform with them and we will ensure they are changed and ready for their photo.

Netball is starting after school (MONDAY) tonight, if your child has requested to take part, please collect them from reception at 4:15pm. If you think your child would like to take part and you have not as yet returned your clubs letter please give the office a call on 01939 290834. This club is FREE and its boys and girls netball!!!


Mrs Smith

Dovedale Trip

Dear Parent/Carer

We would like to confirm that the dates for the Year 4 Residential to Dovedale House are Wednesday 26June, Thursday 27 June and returning Friday 28 June.  Please accept our apologies for the misprint on the Itinerary Letter.


Mrs Smith

Visit to Farm – Wednesday 22nd May

Dear Parent/Carer

Please can you send your child to nursery on Wednesday 22nd with their wellies and coat for the farm visit.

Many Thanks

Mrs Davies



Dear Parent/Carer

Polite Reminder – The following meetings are taking place, details below, regarding upcoming residential trips.

21st May 2019 3:30pm – Yr 5 Stratford Trip – Venue   Myddle Primary School
22nd May 2019 3:30pm- Yr 4 Dovedale Trip – Venue  Baschurch Primary School

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to give school a ring on 01939 290834


Mrs Smith



Park Hall Trip – Tuesday 21st May – Outstanding Payments

Dear Parent/Carer

Please can we ask that any outstanding payments for the trip tomorrow be made ASAP.

You can make the payment via the School Gateway. If you any problems doing this please give the school office a ring on 01939 290834.

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith

School Events

Dear Parent/Carer

I have updated the calendar for upcoming events. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to give the office a call.

